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Assistance with understanding memory limit and why?


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Forgive me for my limited knowledge as I ask this question. I am in a shared hosting environment, and I'm trying to run a PHP script. My script opens a text file that has about 2000 records in it. It then loops through the records and creates/updates nodes in Drupal based on them. So essentially it does DB inserts. I also have it print to the screen which record it's at, if it's updating or inserting, etc.


So when I run my script via command line (it times out via browser), it goes through about 630 records and then gives me the memory error:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1987 bytes)


So my host says that I'm at the max of 32M. I just don't understand why after 600 records it errors out? I also don't understand why an import script needs more than 32M.


The other thing that's baffling to me is that I essentially converted a perl script that runs on this same host and does the same thing to PHP. In perl it runs in about 2 minutes and there's no issue. But in PHP it is taking more than 4 minutes and then gives me that error.


Can anyone give me some general info on what's going on exactly?


Just in case, I am posting my entire script. Perhaps I am just not optimizing it. I am still pretty newbie at this, so I might be the problem.


Thanks, I appreciate any insight you can give.


// bootstrap drupal
include_once 'includes/bootstrap.inc';

print "Importing programs, msn information to Drupal nodes now.....<br><br>";

$fields = array('title', 'episode_number', 'episode_name', 'secondary_name', 'series_id', 'category', 'subcategory', 'first_run', 'active', 'length', 'notes', 'ep', 'source','pdate', 'adate', 'purchase_date', 'exp_date', 'distributor', 'msn', 'msn_description', 'msn_program_type', 'msn_status', 'msn_filename');
$handle = fopen("VLM_master.txt", "r");
$counter = 1;
$last_id = null;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10000, "	")) !== FALSE) {
  $data = array_combine($fields, $data);
  // If the title number is the same, then we can skip most of the import, hopefully reducing load time
  if($data['title'] != $last_id) {
    $last_id = $data['title'];

// -------------VCAM CATEGORIES-------------------------------- //

// Do not do anything if it is a VCAM program!
if ($data["category"] != 'VCAM Pub' && $data["category"] != 'VCAM Gov' && $data["category"] != 'VCAM Filler' ){

// -------------FORMAT DATES-------------------------------- //

   $pdate_year = substr($data["pdate"], 0, 4);
   $pdate_month = substr($data["pdate"], 4, 2);
   $pdate_day = substr($data["pdate"], 6, 2);
   $pdate = $pdate_year."-".$pdate_month."-".$pdate_day;
   $fr_year = substr($data["first_run"], 0, 4);
   $fr_month = substr($data["first_run"], 4, 2);
   $fr_day = substr($data["first_run"], 6, 2);
   $first_run = $fr_year."-".$fr_month."-".$fr_day;
   $adate_year = substr($data["adate"], 0, 4);
   $adate_month = substr($data["adate"], 4, 2);
   $adate_day = substr($data["adate"], 6, 2);
   $adate = $adate_year."-".$adate_month."-".$adate_day;
   if($data["exp_date"] == '00000000'){ $exp_date = ''; 
   $exp_date_year = substr($data["exp_date"], 0, 4);
   $exp_date_month = substr($data["exp_date"], 4, 2);
   $exp_date_day = substr($data["exp_date"], 6, 2);
   $exp_date = $exp_date_year."-".$exp_date_month."-".$exp_date_day;
// -------------AQUISITION / PRODUCTION -------------------------------- //
   // Set Acquisition Date to be Production Date in Drupal IF it is greater than pdate (meaning if it isn't 0 and pdate is 0)
   if ($data["adate"] > $data["pdate"]) {$pdate = $adate;}
// ---------------SOURCE---------------------------- //
   // See if Source has already been input
   if($data["source"] != ''){
   $source = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($data["source"]);
   // if we did not return a result for the source, then we create new terms in the Source taxonomy
   if($source[0]->tid == ''){
   $sources = array('name' => $data["source"]); 
   drupal_execute('taxonomy_form_term', $sources, '4');
   // Now we get the the source tid again so that we can submit it with node->taxonomy
   $source = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($data["source"]);
// ---------------PRODUCER---------------------------- //
   if($data["ep"] != ''){
   // See if ep has already been input
   $ep = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($data["ep"]);
   // if we did not return a result for the ep, then we create new terms in the Producer taxonomy
   if($ep[0]->tid == ''){
   $eps = array('name' => $data["ep"]); 
   drupal_execute('taxonomy_form_term', $eps, '5');
   // Now we get the the source tid again so that we can submit it with node->taxonomy
   $ep = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($data["ep"]);
// ------------------SERIES------------------------------------ //
   // We need to get the node reference id for our series based on the synergy series id
   $sSeries = "SELECT nid FROM {content_type_series} WHERE field_synergy_id_value = '".$data["series_id"]."'";
   $seriesResult = db_query($sSeries);
   while ($seriesData = mysql_fetch_assoc($seriesResult)) {
  $series = $seriesData["nid"];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- //

   // Check to see if the node already exists in drupal
   $sql = "select nid from {content_type_program} where field_tnum_value = '".$data['title']."'";
   $result = db_query($sql);
   // die ($sql);
   $count = mysql_num_rows($result);
   // if there is a result, then we are going to update the drupal node
   if($count > 0){
   while ($node_exist = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     // If the category is delete or dns, and it exists in drupal, then we delete the drupal node
     if($data["category"] == 'DELETE' || $data["category"] == 'DNS'){
     print "delete ".$data["episode_name"]."<br>";
       print $counter.": ";
       print "update program ".$node_exist['nid'].", ";
       $node1 = node_load($node_exist['nid']);
       $node = new StdClass();
       $node->nid = $node1->nid;
       $node->changed = time(); 
       $node->title = $data['episode_name'];
       $node->field_tnum[0]['value'] = $data['title'];
       $node->field_episode_number[0]['value'] = $data['episode_number'];
       $node->field_active[0]['value'] = $data['active'];    
       $node->field_secondary_name[0]['value'] = $data['secondary_name'];
       $node->field_first_run[0]['value'] = $first_run;
       $node->field_expiration_date[0]['value'] = $exp_date;  
       $node->field_pdate[0]['value'] = $pdate;
       $node->field_approximate_length[0]['value'] = $data['length'];
       $node->field_description[0]['value'] = $data['notes'];
       $node->field_series[0]['nid'] = $series;
       if ($data["category"] == 'ADMIN'){
       $node->field_program_preferences[0]['value'] = "Do Not Show";
       if ($data["category"] == 'ARCHIVE'){
       $node->field_program_preferences[1]['value'] = "Archive";
   $node->taxonomy = array($ep[0]->tid, $source[0]->tid);
       // Prepare the node and then save it
       $programid = $node->nid;
	} // End if delete
      }  // End While
     } // End if count, drupal node doesn't exist, so in that case we create a new node
     // if it's a delete, don't do anything
     if($data["category"] == 'DELETE' || $data["category"] == 'DNS'){
     print $counter.": ";

     print "delete ".$data["episode_name"]."<br>";

   print $counter.": ";

       print "insert program, ";
       // start building the node object
       $node = new StdClass();
       $node->type = 'program';
       $node->status = 1;
       $node->created = time();
       $node->comment = 0;
       $node->promote = 0;
       $node->sticky = 0;
       $node->format = 1;
       $node->uid = 5;
       $node->name = 'programs';

       $node->title = $data['episode_name'];
       $node->field_tnum[0]['value'] = $data['title'];
       $node->field_episode_number[0]['value'] = $data['episode_number'];
       $node->field_active[0]['value'] = $data['active'];    
       $node->field_secondary_name[0]['value'] = $data['secondary_name'];
       $node->field_first_run[0]['value'] = $first_run;
       $node->field_expiration_date[0]['value'] = $exp_date;  
       $node->field_pdate[0]['value'] = $pdate;
       $node->field_approximate_length[0]['value'] = $data['length'];
       $node->field_description[0]['value'] = $data['notes'];
       $node->field_series[0]['nid'] = $series;

        if ($data["category"] == 'ADMIN'){
       $node->field_program_preferences[0]['value'] = "Do Not Show";
       if ($data["category"] == 'ARCHIVE'){
       $node->field_program_preferences[1]['value'] = "Archive";
       $node->taxonomy = array($ep[0]->tid, $source[0]->tid);

       // Prepare the node and then save it
       } // End if delete
     } // End if count
   // Now we need to check and see if the media serial number node exists in drupal
   $smsn = "SELECT nid FROM {content_type_msn} WHERE field_msn_0_value = '".$data["msn"]."'";
   $msnResult = db_query($smsn);
   $msn_count = mysql_num_rows($msnResult);
   if($msn_count > 0){
     while ($node_exist = mysql_fetch_assoc($msnResult)) {
       if($data["category"] == 'DELETE' || $data["category"] == 'DNS'){
       print "delete ".$data["episode_name"]." msn <br>";
         print " update msn \n<br />".$data["episode_name"]."<br><br>";
         $node1 = node_load($node_exist['nid']);
         $node = new StdClass();
         $node->nid = $node1->nid;
         $node->field_msn_0[0]['value'] = $data["msn"];
         $node->field_program_0[0]['nid'] = $programid;
         $node->title = $data["msn"]." - ".$data["episode_name"];
         $node->field_msn_description[0]['value'] = $data["msn_description"];
         $node->field_program_type[0]['value'] = $data["msn_program_type"];
         $node->field_status[0]['value'] = $data["msn_status"];
         $node->field_filename[0]['value'] = $data["msn_filename"];
       } // End if delete
     } // end while
   } // end if count
    if($data["category"] == 'DELETE' || $data["category"] == 'DNS'){
    print "delete ".$data["episode_name"]." msn <br><br>";
     print " insert msn \n<br />".$data["episode_name"]."<br>";
     // start building the node object
     $node = new StdClass();
     $node->type = 'msn';
     $node->status = 1;
     $node->created = time();
     $node->comment = 0;
     $node->promote = 0;
     $node->sticky = 0;
     $node->format = 1;
     $node->uid = 5;
     $node->name = 'programs';
     $node->field_msn_0[0]['value'] = $data["msn"];
     $node->field_program_0[0]['nid'] = $programid;
     $node->title = $data["msn"]." - ".$data["episode_name"];
     $node->field_msn_description[0]['value'] = $data["msn_description"];
     $node->field_program_type[0]['value'] = $data["msn_program_type"];
     $node->field_status[0]['value'] = $data["msn_status"];
     $node->field_filename[0]['value'] = $data["msn_filename"];
     } // End if delete

   } // end else

} //  End if VCAM (skip it)  
else {
print $counter.": Skipping ".$data["episode_name"]."<br><br>";

} // End if $data['title'] != $last_id, we will skip most options and just update what's necessary
print "Skipping most entry...";

$sql = "select nid from {content_type_program} where field_tnum_value = '".$data['title']."'";
$result = db_query($sql);
// die ($sql);
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
  if($count > 0){
    while ($node_exist = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
      if($data["category"] == 'DELETE' || $data["category"] == 'DNS'){
      print "delete ".$data["episode_name"]."<br>";
  elseif ($data["category"] == 'ADMIN' || $data["category"] == 'ARCHIVE'){
      print $counter.": ";
      print "update program, ";
      $node1 = node_load($node_exist['nid']);
      $node = new StdClass();
      $node->nid = $node1->nid;
      $node->changed = time(); 
        if ($data["category"] == 'DNS'){
        $node->field_program_preferences[0]['value'] = "Do Not Show";
        if ($data["category"] == 'ARCHIVE'){
        $node->field_program_preferences[1]['value'] = "Archive";
   // Prepare the node and then save it
  } // End if categories
    }  // End While
    } // End if count
$smsn = "SELECT nid FROM {content_type_msn} WHERE field_msn_0_value = '".$data["msn"]."'";
$msnResult = db_query($smsn);
$msn_count = mysql_num_rows($msnResult);
  if($msn_count > 0){
    while ($node_exist = mysql_fetch_assoc($msnResult)) {
      if($data["category"] == 'DELETE' || $data["category"] == 'DNS'){
      print "delete ".$data["episode_name"]." msn <br>";
      print " update msn \n<br />".$data["episode_name"]."<br><br>";
      $node1 = node_load($node_exist['nid']);
      $node = new StdClass();
      $node->nid = $node1->nid;
      $node->field_msn_0[0]['value'] = $data["msn"];
      $node->field_program_0[0]['nid'] = $programid;
      $node->title = $data["msn"]." - ".$data["episode_name"];
      $node->field_msn_description[0]['value'] = $data["msn_description"];
      $node->field_program_type[0]['value'] = $data["msn_program_type"];
      $node->field_status[0]['value'] = $data["msn_status"];
      $node->field_filename[0]['value'] = $data["msn_filename"];
       } // End if delete
     } // end while
   } // end if count
    if($data["category"] == 'DELETE' || $data["category"] == 'DNS'){
    print "delete ".$data["episode_name"]." msn <br><br>";
     print " insert msn \n<br />".$data["episode_name"]."<br>";
     // start building the node object
     $node = new StdClass();
     $node->type = 'msn';
     $node->status = 1;
     $node->created = time();
     $node->comment = 0;
     $node->promote = 0;
     $node->sticky = 0;
     $node->format = 1;
     $node->uid = 5;
     $node->name = 'programs';
     $node->field_msn_0[0]['value'] = $data["msn"];
     $node->field_program_0[0]['nid'] = $programid;
     $node->title = $data["msn"]." - ".$data["episode_name"];
     $node->field_msn_description[0]['value'] = $data["msn_description"];
     $node->field_program_type[0]['value'] = $data["msn_program_type"];
     $node->field_status[0]['value'] = $data["msn_status"];
     $node->field_filename[0]['value'] = $data["msn_filename"];
     } // End if delete

   } // end else

} // end in file


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Yes, it can successfully process a quarter of the file. If I cut it down to 600 records, it works fine. Any suggestions on how I could approach getting the whole file to complete or how I might trick it into parsing it in chunks? Also, any insight on why it works so quickly in perl? Thanks again for the help!

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