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[SOLVED] GET problem


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Can't quite seem to put my finger on it ...  :-\


	if ($item['feed'] == 1) {
		$user_pet = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_pets` WHERE owner_id='$user_id'");
		while ($pets = mysql_fetch_array($user_pet)) {
			echo "<br /><br /><a href='/place/item.php?act=eat&pet=".$pets['id']."&id=".$items_id."'>Feed to ".$pets['name']."</a>";
		} // End while
	} // End if

if ($_GET['act'] == "eat" && (isset($_GET['pet'])) && (isset($_GET['id']))) {


As you can see, there is a link. When the link is clicked, it should go to this if statement here like it does on all of my other pages but since I put 2 issets, it won't go to that if statement.


Can't quite figure it out, help is much appreciated.

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if (isset($_GET['pet']) && isset($_GET['id'])) {
if($_GET['act'] == "eat") {


try and break it down a bit first and see what happens.




Thanks for the quick response.


I did try it with just the isset's but it still came up false.

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if($_GET['act'] == "eat") {
if (isset($_GET['pet']) && isset($_GET['id'])) {


I assume act is the page they are on, or what there action is. So check for the action(act) first before seeing if whatever has to be done in the 'act' is set.


see if that works.

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if($_GET['act'] == "eat") {
if (isset($_GET['pet']) && isset($_GET['id'])) {


I assume act is the page they are on, or what there action is. So check for the action(act) first before seeing if whatever has to be done in the 'act' is set.


see if that works.


Yup, the act is working good.

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Is the code block that creates the links and the code block that has the problem in the same script or in different scripts?


If it's it the same script, you have to remember that the values in the $_GET array won't be set until you click the link and reload the script.



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Is the code block that creates the links and the code block that has the problem in the same script or in different scripts?


If it's it the same script, you have to remember that the values in the $_GET array won't be set until you click the link and reload the script.




Well I checked and they're all set correctly, it just isn't testing the "if" statement.


I've never had this problem until I put 2 issets into one line so that's why I figured that maybe the parentheses were wrong ...

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I created a test script

echo '<pre>' . print_r($_GET,true) . '</pre>';
$pets = array('id' => 235, 'name' => 'pets name');
$items_id = 1234;
echo "<br /><br /><a href='?act=eat&pet=".$pets['id']."&id=".$items_id."'>Feed to ".$pets['name']."</a>";
if ($_GET['act'] == "eat" && (isset($_GET['pet'])) && (isset($_GET['id']))) {
echo '<br />Ok';


and it works fine, so your problem is somewhere else you haven't shown us.



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Still can't figure it out. Here's the entire code:

if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$items_id = $_GET['id'];
$user_id = $_COOKIE['user_id'];
$select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE id='$items_id'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($select);
$item_id = $row['item_id'];
$item_info = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE id='$item_id'");
$item = mysql_fetch_array($item_info);

if ($user_id == $row['user_id']) {
	echo "<h2>".$item['name']."</h2>";
	echo "<img src='../images/items/".strtolower($item['name']).".gif'><br />".$item['name']."<br /><b>Rarity:</b> ".$item['rarity']."<br />".$item['description']."";

	if ($item['feed'] == 1) {
		$user_pet = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_pets` WHERE owner_id='$user_id'");
		while ($pets = mysql_fetch_array($user_pet)) {
			echo "<br /><br /><a href='/place/item.php?act=eat&pet=".$pets['id']."&id=".$row['id']."'>Feed to ".$pets['name']."</a>";
		} // End while
	} // End if

	if ($item['donate'] == 1) {
		echo "<br /><a href='/place/item.php?act=donate&id=".$items_id."'>Donate to the Donation Shack</a>";
	} // End if

	if ($item['auction'] == 1) {
		echo "<br />Put ".$item['name']." up for auction";
	} // End if

	if ($item['sell'] == 1) {
		echo "<br />Put ".$item['name']." in your shop";
	} // End if

	if ($item['give'] == 1) {
		echo "<br />Give ".$item['name']." to a user";
	} // End if

	if ($item['wear'] == 1) {
		echo "<br />Put ".$item['name']." into your closet";
	} // End if

} else {
	echo "<b>Error:</b> That item cannot be found!";

} elseif ($_GET['act'] == "eat") {
if ((isset($_GET['pet'])) && (isset($_GET['id']))) {
$pet = $_GET['pet'];
$item_id = $_GET['id'];
$select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_pets` WHERE id='$pet'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($select);

echo "Act is working";

if ($row['hunger'] == 100) {
	echo "".$row['name']." is already full!";
} else {
	$hunger = $row['hunger']+20;
	if ($hunger > 100) {
		$new_hunger = 100;
	} else {
		$new_hunger = $hunger;
	} // End if

	$update_hunger = mysql_query("UPDATE `user_pets` SET hunger='$new_hunger' WHERE id='$pet'");
	$delete_item = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE id='$item_id'");
	header('Location: item.php?act=fed&pet='.$pet.'');
} // End if

} elseif ($_GET['act'] == "fed" && (isset($_GET['pet']))) {
$pet = $_GET['pet'];
$select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_pets` WHERE id='$pet'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($select);

echo "".$row['name']." is now ".$row['hunger']."% full.";

} else {
header('Location: /404.php');
} ?>

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you have main if and else's that wrap these whole code

on your first condtion you ask if $_GET[id ] is set..might work but on the elseif

you use the get id? thats means id is set  so theres no reason that the condition will go on your second condition


hope that helps



f (isset($_GET['id'])) { <----------------------here id should be set

} elseif ($_GET['act'] == "eat") {
if ((isset($_GET['pet'])) && (isset($_GET['id']))) {
$pet = $_GET['pet'];
$item_id = $_GET['id'];<-----------------------------------------------------here id is set


edited to be clear

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you have main if and else's that wrap these whole code

on your first condtion you ask if $_GET[id ] is set..might work but on the elseif

you use the get id? thats means id is set  so theres no reason that the condition will go on your second condition


hope that helps



f (isset($_GET['id'])) { <----------------------here id should be set

} elseif ($_GET['act'] == "eat") {
if ((isset($_GET['pet'])) && (isset($_GET['id']))) {
$pet = $_GET['pet'];
$item_id = $_GET['id'];<-----------------------------------------------------here id is set


edited to be clear


You're right, the id is already being set before! Thank you! ;D

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