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[SOLVED] Installing xslt processor in PHP5/apache 2.2.9

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???I just installed PHP5 (and yes the zip file version) and apache 2.2.9. I am wanting to install my xslt processor, but have not found an adequate source of info to get this thing installed.

I've visited the php.net manual countless times, but still see nothing thorough enough there.

I've visited the dreamweaver developer center, in there article entitled, "configuring and testing php servers for xsl support," where it describes certain parts in detail about uncommenting ;extension=php_xsl.dll, and where to get the libxml2 and libxslt libraries (but, then makes no mention as to where to install them), and it makes no mention to php.net's advice to add the argument --with-xsl[=DIR] to your configure line.

I've gone through, uncommented ";extension=php_xsl.dll",


and I've added the argument --with-xsl[=DIR] (my DIR being c\php\ext) to my configure line,


and i've experiemented with placing the libxml2 and libxslt libraries in my php directory.


am I forgetting something else in my php.ini?


up to this point I still have not seen xsl or xslt appear in my phpini()


anyone and everyone's help would be greatly appreciated.




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and I've added the argument --with-xsl[=DIR] (my DIR being c\php\ext) to my configure line,


How exactly did you manage that? The ./configure line is used when compiling php from source on Linux.


As far as I'm aware, all you need do on windows is uncomment the extension=php_xsl.dll line in your php.ini file and restart Apache.

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thanks for letting me know that --with-xsl[=DIR] is just a linux thing. does this mean the libxml2 and libxslt libraries from the gnome project are not needed either?  when i looked at http://us.php.net/manual/en/xsl.setup.php i thought i needed to go download the libraries, as it has:




This extension uses libxslt which can be found at » http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/. libxslt version 1.1.0 or greater is required.


I got the idea that I needed to install the libxml2 and libxslt libraries from:


where it says:


Installing xsltproc on Windows


You can download precompiled versions for Windows from Igor Zlatkovic's website: http://www.zlatkovic.com/libxml.en.html


That page also describes how to install the files and use xsltproc on Windows. You need to download the packages for libxml, libxslt, zlib, and iconv. They arrive as .zip files which can be unpacked with any of the zip utilities on Windows.


Once you have unpacked them, your environment's PATH variable must include the locations of the command files like xsltproc.exe and the set of library files named with the .dll suffix. Since they install into separate directories, you may need to add several PATH entries. So it is perhaps simplest to just copy all the files into a single location already in the PATH. For example, find and copy thefollowing files into C:\Windows\System32:

libxslt.dll iconv.dll xmllint.exe

libxml2.dll zlib.dll

libexslt.dll xsltproc.exe


You will know it is working if you can execute the following command in a Command shell to list the version information:


xsltproc -version


was the above source outdated for the latest version of php5?


If I just uncomment extension=php_xslt.dll i still don't get any xsl or xslt output generated by my phpinfo().

This is why i feel like i'm missing something.


all help is greatly appreciated

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