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PHP file download doesn't work


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Hi everyone, can someone please look at my code and tell me why my download isn't working. I see no errors in IE7 or FF2 or FF3. I have apache running on linux.


Basically I have a form.


<body dir="LTR" onload="javascript:doWork();" id="main">
  <form action="sl_capture_ivt_state_view.htm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" name="form_out1" target="download">
  <iframe title="download" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="download">


Here is the javascript...


function doWork()


then here is the code from sl_capture_ivt_state_view.htm


      $fileName = "/tmp/IVT.tar";
      $sumFile = "/home/user/IVTStatus.txt";
      $detFile = "/home/user/IVTLog.txt";

      $script = "tar -cf $fileName $sumFile $detFile";
      if (file_exists($fileName))
      $size = filesize($fileName);
          header("Pragma: ");
          header("Cache-Control: ");
          header("Content-Type: application/bin");
          header("Content-Length: $size");
          header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($fileName) . '"');
          header("Content-Location: $fileName");
          header("Cache-Control: private");
          $handle = fopen($fileName, "rb");


Again like I said, I do not get any browser errors the code simply runs through and stops. I do notice one error in the apache error logs but I am not sure that they have to do with this problem.


tar: Removing leading `/' from member names

sh: /usr/sbin/sendmail: not found


Can anyone help?




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This is apache server running on a linux box.


This code is only a small portion of a larger project.  I am planning on adding much more hidden fields to post data.  I just wanted to get this portion working first.


thanks for the reply.

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No it doesn't stop at a blank page, it actually behaves like it should but I get no download prompt and no errors.  I should mention this.  If I bring up the error log for apache at the same time I bring up the page.  Then I hit refresh the page so that the doWork() function runs, if I refresh the error log at the same time as the page is refreshing, once in a while the download prompt will open and work properly.  It is like the server is going to fast for the client or something.

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Okay I found something interesting here.  If I have this code.


      $fileName = "/tmp/IVT.tar";
      $sumFile = "/home/user/IVTStatus.txt";
      $detFile = "/home/user/IVTLog.txt";

      $script = "tar -cf $fileName $sumFile $detFile";
      if (file_exists($fileName))
          $size = filesize($fileName);
          header("Pragma: ");
          header("Cache-Control: ");
          header("Content-Type: application/bin");
          header("Content-Length: $size");
          header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($fileName) . '"');
          header("Content-Location: $fileName");
          header("Cache-Control: private");
          $handle = fopen($fileName, "rb");


If I navigate directly to the page.  myserver/sl_capture_ivt_state_view.htm.  Nothing happens as it should because of the...




but if I remove the if statement and navigate directly to the page the download works beautifully.


So if you look at my previous code I am submitting the form as a POST.  So I wonder why I am not getting through the if statement.


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No it doesn't stop at a blank page, it actually behaves like it should but I get no download prompt and no errors.


If it doesn't prompt but it goes to the page, wouldn't it just be a blank page? I don't understand how it can go to the page like it should and not be blank, since you have no output on that page.


try putting echo "test"; right underneath if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST"){ and see if it does anything.

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Wow! that works.  This is very strange because I have about 200 files that are .htm and they all work with php html and javascript but this one only wants to work with a .php extension.  Strange???  Any guesses as to why?

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DOH!!!  Okay I swear it worked for 3 times on IE.  I then went in and cleared my browser cache and now it doesn't work.  I have access to about 14 computers and all of them are experiencing the same behavior.  So I don't believe that my browser is having issues.


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Okay guys, I did some more testing and it looks like _blank, _parent, _top works for the target, but when I try to target the iframe that is where it freaks out.  I will try to do something else so I don't waste your time.


thanks for the help.

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Hi Lemmin, I just got it to work.  I did what you said at gave the iframe an id.  Here is what else I had going on.  I had two iframe, and two hidden forms.  In the java code I had...




form1 was going to iframe1 and form2 was going to iframe2


Somehow the php was continueing on before it had a chance to display the dialog box for download.


so to fix it I did this.


document.form1.action = "iframe1";
document.form2.actoin = "iframe2";


Again thanks for the help, you set me on the right track to find out what was going on.

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