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I am having trouble getting the info from a automatically created textbox... Basically the text boz is gererated with the name set to its ID.. code is as follows:

<?$sectionquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `section` ORDER BY 'id' ASC");


echo "<p>$data->name<input type='text' value='' name='$data->id' size='4'></p> ";


I am retrieving the info int the same way... shown below


$numsec=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `section` ORDER BY 'id' ASC")or die (mysql_error()); 

$navvalue= $_GET['$secid->id'];

mysql_query("UPDATE `thinkweb_advanced`.`section` SET `nav` = '$navvalue' WHERE `section`.`id` =$secid LIMIT 1")or die (mysql_error());

echo "Updated";


However, The info in the textbox is not being added into my database??


any idea?


Thanks, Jake ;D

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i could be wrong but I'm not sure this is written with correct syntax



mysql_query("UPDATE `thinkweb_advanced`.`section` SET `nav` = '$navvalue' WHERE `section`.`id` =$secid LIMIT 1")or die (mysql_error());



mysql_query("UPDATE [thinkweb_advanced.section] SET nav=".$navvalue."' WHERE section.id='".$secid."'LIMIT 1")or die (mysql_error());

his syntax should work.


First step in debugging mysql is to echo the query back to STDOUT to make sure it is what you think it is.  For this reason, I consider it good practice to structure queries in the form:


$query = "My mysql query";
$result = mysql_query($query);


So add this to the second file's while loop and verify the final string is correct.

echo "UPDATE `thinkweb_advanced`.`section` SET `nav` = '$navvalue' WHERE `section`.`id` =$secid LIMIT 1<br>";



Mbeals - I have just echoed the query and your right $navvalue has no value which would explain a great deal.. However, I do not know how i am able to retireve the info that is in the textbox any ideas?


ag3nt42 - Im sorry if my syntax is lame :P i taught myself from reading scripts... poorly structured perhaps  ;D

i learned through practice too.  mostly w3


Your issue is

$navvalue= $_GET['$secid->id'];


php interprets single quotes as string literals, so it is physically looking for the $_GET key named $secid->id and not the dereferenced value. 



$id = secid->id;
$navvalue= $_GET[$id];



$navvalue= $_GET[$secid->id];


and see what happens.  Might also be worth adding an echo secid->id; to make sure it is what you think it is.

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