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Radio Buttons Created With PHP, Change Another Field


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What I am basically trying to do here is when a user selects a radio button, it changes the values of other fields.

More specifically, when they select the radio button to use X address, the details for X get auto filled into the relevant fields.


Here is the PHP snippet that fetches the available address:

		$additionalAddressesQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."Cube_Addship WHERE customerid = '".$ccUserData[0]['customer_id']."'";
	$additionalAddresses = $db->select($additionalAddressesQuery);


				for($i=0; $i<count($additionalAddresses); $i++){




Here is a couple of the fields I am looking at populating upon selection:

<td><input name="delInf[firstname]" type="text" class="textbox" id="firstname" value="{VAL_DEL_FIRST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>
<td><input name="delInf[lastname]" type="text" class="textbox" id="lastname" value="{VAL_DEL_LAST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>


Here is the inputs I am currently using to make the selection:

<input type=radio name=copy value='yes' onclick="data_copy()";><i>Ship to :</i><br>
<input type=radio name=copy value='no' onclick="data_copy()";><i>Clear above, enter shipping address.</i>


And lastly, here is the javascript currently used to perform the population:

<!-- BEGIN: js -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function data_copy()

<!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop_js -->


<!-- END: addresses_loop_js -->

<!-- END: js -->


Now obviously, this is not working as I need it to.

Actually, it doesn't work at all!


One problem I think I have is using "delInf[country]" in the javascript.

This bit I should be able to counter by renaming those to simply "country" for example.


The main problem I am having is getting the loop itself to match up with the inputs and getting all inputs to work.


Any assistance that could be provided here would be highly appreciated.

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Another method I attempted is....



<!-- BEGIN: js -->
<!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop_js -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function data_copy{VAL_AA_SID}()



<!-- END: addresses_loop_js -->
<!-- END: js -->



<!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop -->
<input type=radio name=copy value='yes' onclick="data_copy{VAL_AA_SID}()";><i>Ship to :</i><br>
<!-- END: addresses_loop -->


Now using that method, I can look at the source and see that:

- both the js loop and the input loops are created

- both get the correct name assigned

- the data is there in the js loop


But when I goto use the radio button itself, the data doesn't get populated.


If I am going about this completely the wrong way, please feel free to point me in the correct direction.

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Once last attempt for the night...any advice would be great :)


Now using a drop down instead of radio buttons.


Very basic javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
function data_copy_address()




New html:

				<td colspan="2">Ship to this address:<br>
			<select name="addresses" id="addresses" onchange="data_copy_address()" class="textbox">
			<option value="0">Please select...</option>
			<!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop -->
			<!-- END: addresses_loop -->


So now all I need to know is:

- the best way to have the correct fields retrieved based off what option was selected in the drop down

- if I can either use "delInf[title]" for field names or use just "title" but it auto copies the value to a hidden field called "delInf[title]".

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Thanks for the suggestion :)


I just took a quick look at innerHTML, and have a couple questions.


On the surface I can use that to create the dynamic ids, and then do the change, so thats good as I can retain the names for each field.


I see I can use it change things like the ahref values (url, target, text etc) but how would I get it change the value of value="" which isn't a link but is the form value?

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Thanks for that, very much appreciated.


Then the last thing I need to get this all working so I can retain the current field names, which are required as part of the form processing, is there a way to use these type of labels:




$value = formname.fieldname.value="empty";


$value = formname.delInf[postcode].value="empty";


Is there a way of doing that?

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I have now got this working exactly how I want in Firefox, but of course it fails in IE.


Java Snippet:

<script type="text/javascript">
function data_copy_address_{VAL_AA_SID}()

document.getElementById('title').value = "{VAL_AA_TITLE}";
document.getElementById('firstName').value = "{VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME}";
document.getElementById('lastName').value = "{VAL_AA_LAST_NAME}";
document.getElementById('add_1').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1}";
document.getElementById('add_2').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2}";
document.getElementById('town').value = "{VAL_AA_CITY}";
document.getElementById('county').value = "{VAL_AA_STATE}";
document.getElementById('postcode').value = "{VAL_AA_ZIP}";
document.getElementById('country').value = "{VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}";



Form Field Example:

<td><input name="delInf[title]" type="text" class="textbox" id="title" value="{VAL_DEL_TITLE}" size="7" maxlength="30" />


Drop Down Code:

<select  name="addresses" id="addresses" class="textbox">
<option value="0">Please select...</option>
<!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop -->
<!-- END: addresses_loop -->
<option onclick="data_copy_address_clear()" value="clear">Clear above and manually enter address</option>


So as above it works perfectly in Firefox.

I just need to get it to work in IE.


Any pointers?

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