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[SOLVED] quick and easy


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Will this work for ya, I use it all the time...


$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))	{
if(eregi($pattern, $file))
// Here is your array --> $file

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1. The slash is escaping the dot that follows it, because we want it to actually look for the dot (a dot in regex translates basically to "anything".

2. The "csv" is just the file-type (can also be .php, .txt, etc.)

3. the $ symbol tells the regex function to search at the end of the string (the string being, in this case, the full file name).

4. the | symbol says, "OR"

5. The check is done again for an uppercase file extension... later in the code, webent used the "eregi" function, which performs a case-insensitive regex search, but I guess he was just being extra-thorough.

6. The parentheses are just to group each section of the expression.


webent, correct me if something I said is wrong.


edit: and, yes, it is that easy.

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so here is my attempt, I am trying to count the number of instances of date('mjy') that appear in a folder so that I can add 1 to it and make a new file that is numbered sequentially, but use the day to separate the files for ease of archiving


i have it pointing to a folder that has 10 files with the digits 070208 in it and this script returns 1


$dirname = "blah2/";
$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))	{
if(eregi($pattern, $file))
// Here is your array --> $file

$date = date('mjy');
$datepattern = "(" . $date . ")";
print $count; //for debugging
$count = count(eregi($datepattern, $file));
if ($count >= 0) {
$i = ($count+1);

//$i goes on to make the next file in my upload script


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Take a look at the glob() function. It does what you want with very little code.


Here's an example taken from the above page:

foreach (glob("*.txt") as $filename) {
    echo "$filename size " . filesize($filename) . "\n";


Here's some code for doing what you want:

$count = count(glob('*' . date('mjy') . '*.*'));
echo $count .'<br>';



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I considered glob but couldnt figure out a way to make it count, the integer that matches the number of times the string appears in the array made from the file contents of the folder is what I want




if there are 10 files in a folder called blah2 that contain the string 070208 as part of their filename i want $count to return 10


// i noticed that date('mjy') will return 07208, i have since changed it to 'mdy'

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so the * is a wildcard, telling glob that anything (or nothing) can exist so your line


'*' . date('mjy') . '*.*'

means 'anything (or nothing)' the date 'anything (or nothing)'.'any-file-extention', or is the first * where the path goes?

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Yes, the "*" is a wild character which will match zero or more characters, so the pattern will match


If you want to look in another directory, just put that directory and a "/" in front of the string:

$count = count(glob('testarea/*' . date('mdy') . '*.*'));
echo $count .'<br>';
echo $count;



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