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Inventory system, cant sell weapons, or equip them.


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Hi guys,


I have a Armoury and Inventory system for my game. The Armoury is working fine. Players can buy weapons at the Armoury, and thats put in the MySQL database. Now, when they go to equip, or sell there weapon in the Inventory page. It doesn't want to work.


When a player presses the "Equip" link next to there weapon, it goes to Inventory.php with the $_GET['id'] but nothing happens.


and When a player presses the "Sell" link next to there weapon, it goes to Armoury.php with the $_GET[]'s but it returns this message:

Sorry, that item does not exist!


here is the relevent code to "Equip":


$player = player_table($_SESSION['playerid']);

if ($_GET['id'])
$query = @mysql_query("SELECT `status`, `item_id` FROM `items` WHERE `id`='" . $_GET['id'] . "' AND `player_id`='" . $player['id'] . "'");
$query2 = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `items`, `blueprint_items` WHERE items.item_id = blueprint_items.id AND blueprint_items.type=(SELECT `type` FROM `blueprint_items` WHERE `id`='" . $item['item_id'] . "') AND items.player_id='" . $player['id'] . "' AND `status`='equipped'");
if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 1)

$item = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$bpi = mysql_fetch_array($query2);

	// weapon
	case "weapon":
	$type = "weapon";
	$action = "strikeaction";
	// armour
	case "armour":
	$type = "armour";
	$action = "defenceaction";
	// vehicle
	case "vehicle":
	$type = "vehicle";
	$action = "covertaction";

		case "unequipped": //User wants to equip item
			$itemtype = @mysql_query("SELECT `type` FROM `blueprint_items` WHERE `id`='" . $item['item_id'] . "'");

			//Check if another item is already equipped
			$unequip = @mysql_query("SELECT items.id FROM `items`, `blueprint_items` WHERE items.item_id = blueprint_items.id AND blueprint_items.type=(SELECT `type` FROM `blueprint_items` WHERE `id`='" . $item['item_id'] . "') AND items.player_id='" . $player['id'] . "' AND `status`='equipped'");
			if ($unequip) //If so, then unequip it (only one item may be equipped at any one time)
				$query = @mysql_query("UPDATE `items` SET `status`='unequipped' WHERE `id`='" . $unequip . "'");
				$query2 = @mysql_query("UPDATE `cf_users` SET `" . $action . "`=`" . $action . "`-'" . $bpi['effectiveness'] . "' WHERE `id`='" . $unequip . "'");  # take away the strike/defence or covert action
			//Equip the selected item
			$query = @mysql_query("UPDATE `items` SET `status`='equipped' WHERE `id`='" . $_GET['id'] . "'");
			$query2 = @mysql_query("UPDATE `cf_users` SET `" . $action . "`=`" . $action . "`+'" . $bpi['effectiveness'] . "' WHERE `id`='" . $_GET['id'] . "'"); # add the strike/defence or covert action
		case "equipped": //User wants to unequip item
			$query = @mysql_query("UPDATE `items` SET `status`='unequipped' WHERE `id`='" . $_GET['id'] . "'");
			$query2 = @mysql_query("UPDATE `cf_users` SET `" . $action . "`=`" . $action . "`-'" . $bpi['effectiveness'] . "' WHERE `id`='" . $unequip . "'");  # take away the strike/defence or covert action
		default: //Set status to unequipped, in case the item had no status when it was inserted into db
			$query = @mysql_query("UPDATE `items` SET `status`='unequipped' WHERE `id`='" . $_GET['id'] . "'");


<br /><br />
$query = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `items`, `blueprint_items` WHERE blueprint_items.id=items.item_id AND items.player_id='" . $player['id'] . "' AND blueprint_items.type='weapon' ORDER BY items.status ASC");
if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0)
echo "<br /><b>You have no weapons.</b>";
while($item = mysql_fetch_array($query))
	echo "<fieldset>\n<legend>";
	echo "<b>" . $item['name'] . "</b></legend>\n";
	echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
	echo "<tr><td width=\"85%\">";
	echo $item['description'] . "\n<br />";
	echo "<b>Effectiveness:</b> " . $item['effectiveness'] . "\n";
	echo "</td><td width=\"15%\">";
	echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=armoury&act=sell&id=" . $item['id'] . "\">Sell</a><br />";
	echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=inventory&id=" . $item['id'] . "\">";
	echo ($item['status'] == "equipped")?"Unequip":"Equip";
	echo "</a>";
	echo "</td></tr>\n";
	echo "</table>";
	echo "</fieldset>\n<br />";


sorry there is a fair bit of code relevant to the problem  :-\


and here is the code related to "Sell" and the relevant code in Armoury.php:

case "sell":
	if (!$_GET['id']) //No item ID
		header("Location: index.php?page=armoury");

	//Select the item from the database
	$query = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `blueprint_items`, `items` WHERE items.item_id=blueprint_items.id AND items.player_id='" . $player['id'] . "' and items.id='" . $_GET['id'] . "'");

	//Either item doesn't exist, or item doesn't belong to user
	if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0)
		echo "Sorry, that item does not exist!";

	$sell = mysql_fetch_array($query); //Get item info

	//Check to make sure clicking Sell wasn't an accident
	if (!$_POST['sure'])
		echo "Are you sure you want to sell your <b>" . $sell['name'] . "</b> for <b>" . floor($sell['price']/2) . "</b> money?<br /><br />\n";
		echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?page=armoury&act=sell&id=" . $sell['id'] . "\">\n";
		echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"sure\" value=\"Yes, I am sure!\" />\n";
		echo "</form>\n";

	//Delete item from database, add money to player's account
	$query = @mysql_query("DELETE FROM `items` WHERE `id`='" . $sell['id'] . "'");
	$query = @mysql_query("UPDATE `cf_users` SET `money`='" . $player['money'] + floor($sell['price']/2) . "' WHERE `id`='" . $player['id'] . "'");


Any help is greatly appreciated.


Regards ACE

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I have a quick question, sorry.  Does this:

$player = player_table($_SESSION['playerid']);

Do what I think it does?  Are you reloading all of the person's info on every single page when it can be just as easily put into the session to save load times?

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this is the function:

// Select fields from other users table
function player_table($id=null){
    if($id == null) { $id = $_SESSION['playerid']; }
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cf_users,cf_users2 WHERE cf_users.id= '$id' && cf_users2.id= '$id' LIMIT 1";
    $rs = @mysql_query($sql) or die('Query:<br />' . $sql . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
return $row;

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// Select fields from other users table
function player_table($id=NULL;){
    if($id == NULL) { $id = $_SESSION['playerid']; }
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cf_users,cf_users2 WHERE cf_users.id= '$id' && cf_users2.id= '$id' LIMIT 1";
    $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query:<br />' . $sql . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
return $row;

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The function isn't the problem lol. I was just showing DarkWater.


these are the 2 problems relating to the other 2 codes:

When a player presses the "Equip" link next to there weapon, it goes to Inventory.php with the $_GET['id'] but nothing happens.


and When a player presses the "Sell" link next to there weapon, it goes to Armoury.php with the $_GET[]'s but it returns this message:

Sorry, that item does not exist!

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I just put error reporting on(E_ALL).


In armoury.php it has this:

Notice: Undefined index: act in /home/ace/public_html/conflictingforces/lib/armoury.php on line 7


in inventory.php is has this:

Notice: Undefined index: id in /home/ace/public_html/conflictingforces/lib/inventory.php on line 8

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I've put isset() around the $_GET's in armoury.php and inventory.php.


Now when I press "Sell" , it actually buys another weapon. Instead of Selling one I already have.


and when I press "Equip" it gives me this message:

Notice: Undefined variable: item in /home/ace/public_html/conflictingforces/lib/inventory.php on line 11


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Try this with your query


if (mysql_query($query)) {

    blah blah

} else {

    print "There was an error with MySQL, the error was " . mysql_error() . " The query was " . $query;




Thats a great debugging script for MySQL. IF you are using PHPmyadmin, then you can past that query that it submitted into the SQL section of PHPmyAdmin, and it will show you the results, if any. That way you can see if it is a q

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