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[SOLVED] Open File, Remove Everything But Object, Overwrite File

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Hi All,


I am looking to open a file, read the contents of that file, remove everything except the <object>Data</object> tag and then overwrite the file that is currently open.  Now the object tag has elements in it like <object classid="blah"> and so on.  Object also is all uppercase, all lowercase and so on:


	$dir = "/path/to/my/file.html";

$f = fopen($dir, "r+");
$listing = fread($f, filesize($dir));
preg_match_all("%<object>(.*?)</object>%" , $listing, $listing2);
if (fwrite($f, $listing2) == FALSE) {
	echo "Cannot write to file";


Now I am not sure to overwrite everything and still be able to read the entire file, if I have to open it twice or not.  I know w+ will open the file and make it 0 length, so I assume that means that I cannot read the current data that was in there before.  As for the preg_match_all, I am always lost with this regex stuff, so any help is appreciated.  Thanks! 

Here is the code I am trying to get information out of:


<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="267" id="013" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="013.swf"> <param name="menu" value="false">
<PARAM NAME=menu VALUE="false"><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src="013.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF  WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="267" NAME="013" ALIGN=""
TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED>


Ideally I would like to extract the width, height, src, and version from the above and make my own code with it.  If someone could point me in the right direction to do one of them, then I could probably do the rest.  I need to make sure that it uses /i for case insensitivity. 



Ok I tried this:


preg_match_all('~(?<=WIDTH=)\D?(\d+)~',$listing, $matches);

preg_match_all('~(?<=HEIGHT=)\D?(\d+)~',$listing, $matches2);

preg_match_all('~(?<=SRC=)\D?(\d+)~',$listing, $matches3);

preg_match_all('~(?=version=)\D?(\d+)~',$listing, $matches4);

echo "Width: ".$matches[1][1];

echo " Height: ".$matches2[1][1];

echo " SRC: ".$matches3[1][1];

echo " Version: ".$matches4[1][1];


The WIDTH AND HEIGHT work, but I need to make it case insensitive.  I tried putting /i in many places, but it didn't work.  The other two, I am not sure how to modify.   

Ok I am still playing but I changed it to:


preg_match_all("/ width=[\"']?(.*)[\"']?[ >]/Uis",$listing, $matches);

preg_match_all("/ height=[\"']?(.*)[\"']?[ >]/Uis",$listing, $matches2);

preg_match_all("/ src=[\"']?(.*)[\"']?[ >]/Uis",$listing, $matches3);

preg_match_all("/version=[\"']?(.*)[\"']?[ >]/Uis",$listing, $matches4);

echo "Width: ".$matches[0][0];

echo " Height: ".$matches2[0][0];

echo " SRC: ".$matches3[0][0];

echo " Version: ".$matches4[0][0];


This displays:


Width: WIDTH="800" Height: HEIGHT="267" SRC: src="013.swf" Version: version=6,0,0,0". 


Is there a way to revise this to exclude everything except the actual value between? 



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