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Recording links clicked


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I'm looking at using a session and includes to monitor the links clicked on and the order by a user when an intranet document is used.


I can write the data to a test file using fopen but I need to know how to gather the data ?


Any ideas? Is there something similar to the onClick command in javascript that will pass a string (in this case the link name clicked) onto a function and this then writes it to the text file?


thanks for any help

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well, no matter what you will need to use some sort of server side language here (i'm going to assume PHP)


for internal pages, just record $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] every time the page loads


for external pages, make the links go to an internal page that can then redirect like:


then in link.php record the value of $_GET['url']


is that what you are looking for? if so, this should be moved to the PHP forum

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You can do this all client side since it is local. Do something like this:

function writeLog(link)
   //write link to a file
<a href="page.htm" onClick="writeLog(this.href)">test</a>


I think Scripting.FileSystemObject is what you need to write the file.

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put this code in a file

    $_SESSION['pages'] = array();


and include it at the top of every page. it will build an array with all the pages the person has visited. The 0 index will always be the current page, 1 is the last page, 2 the second to last page, etc. So, to print the last page, after you do the include of the above code just do:

    print $_SESSION['pages'][1];

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You can do this all client side since it is local. Do something like this:

function writeLog(link)
   //write link to a file
<a href="page.htm" onClick="writeLog(this.href)">test</a>


I think Scripting.FileSystemObject is what you need to write the file.


Isn't FileSystemObject an ASP component? (probably displaying my beginner status here.)

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not sure the session is actually that useful here - to record ALL data you will need to log it on every page load. This would mean writing a snippet that is included in every page that opens a file (maybe a file per user so you don't get any problems with locks) and logs the data required on a new line.


Client side is pointless as you won't have access to the data...


If your requirement is a little less strict then perhaps you could collect data in a session array and dump it say every time the array hits 5 records - may help a little on performance but lets be honest its not going to make a massive difference.

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