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Hey. I've been working on a site for next year. I'll be taking a Computer Programmer Analyst program and I wanted a site that I could upload the notes I make so that a - its easier to study because its all organized and b - other people can follow along and learn what I'm learning without having to pay tuition  :P

I have a working model of the site ready to use next year and now I'm just adding features to it and organizing code better/tidying up. But I don't have a name. I was thinking about calling it negativelogic but thats already taken/I don't like it as much anymore. Does anyone else have any ideas for the name? Something relevant but unique is what I'm hoping for. I know its bad asking for something "unique" and not thinking of it myself but I'm at a loss for names. I've considered calling it by my handle but it has nothing to do with it and would probably appeal to a completely different demographic (unless a lot of emos code and I just don't know about it haha).

Anyway. Any suggestions would be great. I'm not sure if polls are available on here but we could see which one people like the most.

Thanks :)

And I'll be sure to post a link when its hosted so people can critique it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, hopelessx may attract a emo crowd haha.


What you'll find is that these days most of the names and ideas you have are already taken. It sucks, haha. Be creative though. If your ideas are taken, try adding to it.. Say if you did use your handle.. and hopeless was already taken - go for hopelessnotes or hopelessonline


Just my 2 cents. Just open up notepad and start listing ideas off the top of your head. you might just come up with one you want

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Thanks :)

Ya I noticed a lot of the ideas are taken. Its frustrated when they're taken by resellers.

I think I'm decided on proggR. proggR.com was taken so I'll probably use .net.

I have a few minor changes and then I'll be hosting it, likely in the next few weeks.

I have an MSPaint mock of my site but can't seem to find any sites that allow me to upload it (bmp) that I can get to from work since its kind of large (larger than the screen im on because its not wide screen.. i don't even think its 4:3. looks more like 4:4 haha)

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Here's a mock of my site btw. It isn't exactly how the actual site works (links are in a gray on the real one but to be honest I kinda like the blue). Its a large file so I'll just post the link to it and you can take a look (its like 4MB so dialup users beware!)

I'll post it for critique when its hosted so you all can play around with it as well. Let me know what you think of this.

*edit* I forgot the link!


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First, is this site allowed by your college?  Some professors don't like the idea of their lectures being freely available to the public.  Make sure you're not violating any school rules before attempting this.


Second, get a real image editing program.  You should be able to get a discounted version of Photoshop through your school somehow.  Jpeg and png are your friends. ;)


Third, what's proggR supposed to mean?  Oh, wait...it's supposed to be an homage to Frogger?  Why not go with progger instead?


Fourth, I don't like the font all that much.  "Sidestepping the Learning Curve" is somewhat hard to read.


Finally, the rest looks solid, if plain.  Not much else to say about it.  It looks like a generic tabbed wiki.

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Thanks for your reply.

The wiki style is where I was going with the tabs so thats good. And I know its plain but thats my goal. Too often I see these over the top things that take away from the site. I want the focus to be on my content and I just want the site to provide a way to access it.

I have PS at home. i did the mockup at work so all i have is paint :P. I suppose I could have converted it with an online converter but I didn't think of it :P

I haven't checked with them yet. I'm hoping they will because I've put alot of work into the back end (probably not really a lot, I'm just new so it seems like a lot :P)

Thanks again. Any other comments?

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