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PHP Nubsauce

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Hello all, pretty simple question ahead.


Currently under my php designed login system, we use a captcha code (one of those thingys where its a image of crazy random text and you have to enter it correctly to proceed), but alot of our clients are unhappy with this because the captcha is hard for even a real person to intrepet sometimes, and they end up entering it incorrectly...


I know a captcha is pretty good for a user sign-up form, but what about logging in?


We've tried doing the three strikes your out for 20 minutes technique - we got alot of complaints about this.


We've thought about a security question, but, woulden't just be one more string of charactors to break for a script? Making it still more unreliable then a captcha code.


Security can't be compromised, but were trying to get rid of the captcha on simple logins.


Any ideas?




Nubsauce.  8)

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What exactly are you trying to secure against? Brute-force password attacks? I seriously doubt that would be viable given the delay in requesting a page. If you're really worried, then you could set the required number of failed login attemps quite high. If someone fails to log in, say, 10 times in a minute, they probably don't deserve to go on your site anyway.

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It's usually just registration that I protect with a CAPTCHA.  After that, I don't see a need to protect it.  (If I think someone would think it was worth their time to try and brute force someone's account, I do like GingerRobot said, and I just set the threshhold high.)


I can't stand when I have to enter a CAPTCHA to login.

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