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How to make this kind of script?


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I'm trying to make a sort of simple script but I'm utterly confused. What I want to do is have the script select an image with a word on it (not captcha!) and have an input box under it so the user can type what the image says and press "Go" or something. If the user is correct, I want to to say "Correct!" then a comment related to the specific image (one comment per image) and show another image+text input under it. How do I do this? And what would be better for this, an easy to manage text database, or mySQL?

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You will find real quick that no one here is going to write it for you. If you know PHP then start with what you think would be the best way, and when you run into problems, hit us back and we will help.


If you don't know PHP then go learn and come back.


I am willing to help, but not do it for ya.





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I find it easier to use mysql over a flat-file. Granted I have not really attempted to use a flat-file for anything, but it seems that it would be easier to use mysql to grab a particular piece of data as opposed to seeking through a file.


Please don't feel like we don't want to help, cause we do... thats why we come here. I have gotten loads of help and given loads of help. But part of helping is "forcing" you to do it and learn from your own mistakes... that is the best way.


So, as unsider said try it even if you KNOW that it is wrong. Make an attempt and we will be more than happy to help you along. :)


Don't get frustrated, and don't just try to find scripts as that will not teach you. I sometimes will grab a script to look over it and will *sometimes* use that script with no modifications, but for the most part I try to struggle through things and figure out what I am doing wrong or what the best way to perform a task would be.


The PHP manual is EXCELLENT. When your stuck on something or are needing a particular function search the manual and you will most likely find a built in function to perform some simpler tasks.


Good Luck & happy coding



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