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surfraw cli browsing


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Recently, I found the program surfraw, which enables command line search functionality.  This is great, but the search engines it uses are still pretty messy looking in my elinks text browser. 



I'm wondering if anybody knows of any search engines that has attractive minimalist results that will look good in a text browser. 


I really wish i could just use goosh.org, but this does not seem to work in my text browser.  :-[

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Wow!  I just learned that I can use goosh through yubnub and that I can use yubnub through surfraw.  So, it should all work out fine after creating an alias for this very unyieldly command.  Unless, someone knows of something better??

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hey steve,


glad i could turn someone on to that! 


unfortunately goosh does not work in a console browser like lynx, w3m, elinks.  i think it has something to do with all the ajax requests it makes.


if i could just find a search engine that shows results in a way that's attractive to a console browser i would happy.  there's way too much crap to index through on most SERPs


I was thinking about using something like EvilRSS Feed, which tourns turns Google search results into an RSS feed.  However, that doesn't seem to be working right now. 

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