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sort of same deel as my last post...

if anyone has the time , could you give a shot at trying obtain password for this account on my website.

no need to go overboard..  ive already tryed to use php injections like  the  include  function n all that.. i cant get it so far...





username: betty




again.. if you find any faults on my site .. please tell me... thank you

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  • 4 months later...

your variables aren't sanitized properly use this:



function clean($var){

// or return $var; if running PHP4
return filter_var($var,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); 

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//**********loops all $_POST variables and cleans them automatically*************///
//clean XSS/SQL injection
function clean($var) {

$var=strip_tags(trim(mysqli_real_escape_string($var)));//changed $text to $var my bad
return $var;


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