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Error 2003 : HELP!


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I'm a newbie so please keep it simple! (like me!)


I'm wanting to install MySQL solely for website testing with PHP over my home network. So far all access below has been done on the actual machine and not from another PC on the network.


Trying to install MySQL 6.0.5 on a Windows XP Pro system with IIS 5.1 and PHP 5.2.6. Using the Windows Installer version of the mysql download. When it gets to the Apply Security bit I keep getting the ERROR 2003: can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) message.


I've searched the net for answers and while I find heaps of references to this error, none seem to help or apply to this situation! I've checked that mysqld is running (it is) and port 3306 is open in Windows Firewall (opened by the installer anyway and checked by me). There are no other firewalls running on that PC (Avast A/V software if that matters). I can access http://localhost/ from the machine so IIS is working. PHP is also working.


'mysqladmin -h version' and 'mysqladmin -h variables' both give appropriate responses (I'm typing this on a different computer so if necessary I can post details for these).


I've even tried re-installing and using a different port number (3316) but that only results in the same error.



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Is it on the same machine as IIS? If not check to make sure the windows firewall is not on and it you have any sort of mcafree or norton then you probably have a firewall.


Yes, IIS, PHP and MySQL are all on the same machine, and I am using that machine to run the installer. There is nothing other than Avast anti-virus and Windows Firewall, and the exception for Port 3306 has been added to the Windows Firewall (was added by the MySQL installer). The machine in question is one that is used only as a shared storage for the home network so it has very minimal software so I know there is no McAfee or Norton software.


If anyone can tell me exactly what to type/test to get more information to help with this please let me know and I can post the information!


Thanks again for your time.

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I'd very much love to try that, but every time I try to download it I get to the line "To make this download faster, please download it from a mirror site close to you from the lists below.", but no sites are shown!  I've tried both IE and Firefox just to be sure it wasn't a quirk of one, but both give me the same result.


This makes it hard to download.... any other links that you know of to get the same file??





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OK, tried again today and downloaded the file.


Gives me the exact same error as the install.


Just to be sure I tried using localhost and pc0 (the computer name) as the server name, but same error both times. Ping receives a reply OK with both.


Double checked Task Manager and mysqld is running.


Next step??


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Well I don't know why, and I don't think I want to know, but out of curiosity I uninstalled MySQL 6 and installed MySQL 5.1, and all worked fine first time around!


Obviously there is something about MySQL 6 that doesn't like the setup..


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OK, I really hope this is a simple issue...


I now have PHP and MySQL working and talking to each other, however in phpMyAdmin I have the following error message:


"Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.51a differs from your MySQL server version 5.1.26. This may cause unpredictable behavior."


Now, I tried renaming the old libmysql.dll files and copying the new libmySQL.dll file from the MySQL /bin folder, as various sites suggest, however that then leads to this error when I try and load phpMyAdmin:


"PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01519F66"


I also have the error message "Cannot load mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration.". I have added the file libmcrypt.dll to the Windows/System32 and Windows directories, also as suggested by some sites, and rebooted, but the problem still shows. Is there something else needed to solve this one??


Sorry to be a pain!!



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