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OK, I've left the login thing for now haha


I need to work something out for the products section as you probably saw I was having issues with loops last time. Fixed that  :)

But I just need to know the best way to do this. And if this will even work 0.o


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

function change(catagory, paction, ID) {

document.getElementById('productsDIV').innerHTML = "<img src='images/loading.gif' alt='Loading Please Be Patient' />"

//cant work out how to set the variables for this

http.open('POST', 'testhelp.php?paction='+paction+'&catagory='+catagory);
http.onreadystatechange = ajaxction;

function ajaxction() {
if(http.readyState == 4){ 
var newcontent = http.responseText;
document.getElementById('productsDIV').innerHTML = 'There Was An Error :[';
document.getElementById('productsDIV').innerHTML = ''+newcontent+'';


On the page will be a container div which will have LOTS of little divs inside it might make it a table either way! and I cant work out how I'd get an onclick function on the divs to send a variable to the Ajax and reload the page according to what "link" was pressed.


Not even sure if this is going to work I'm a total newbie with Ajax usually just use Iframes but Ajax will look better on the ol' CV  :P


and just so you know there are multiple functions in my PHP class controlled with a switch so I need someway of getting the accoriding next action along with whatever catagory is clicked (the section I'm on). But for now just getting a div to post to Ajax will help me loads I can work stuff out from there.


<3 Google hehe  :)

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Check out w3schools' AJAX tutorial(s).


And the first thing I noticed by glancing through the script, is that you never define what 'http' is. Looking through the tutorial I linked to will show you the basic setup of an ajax app :)



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Wow seems like I managed to reply to the wrong thread earlier...





Anyway, I must agree with FlyingIsFun1217.  Hopefully an example script will help you grasp the basics, but you really should learn it from the ground up.

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