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hosting multiple sites


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hello all,


well i have a webserver that i'm working on. now for all my websites i used apache/php/mysql. my question is how do i host three or multiple website in my server using apache as a server with php/mysql? no i have to set it up in the config file for apache if so how would i go about that?

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go to the site that you registered your domain at and change the nameservers(dns) to your server's nameserver. Then you should be able to change a setting in your domain where you can "add domain" and in there, you'd specifiy the domain, and then create an ftp user, and then it'd create a folder in your main directory with where that new website's files would be located

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You will need to look at apache vhost configuration. Its quite simple but the location of where to put your vhosts can be different depending on how apache has been setup.


For me, I have a seperate file for each vhost contained within /etc/apache/vhosts, then I have the following line....


Include /etc/apache/vhosts/*.conf


in my /etc/apache/httpd.conf file.


From there each site has its own config, eg;



<VirtualHost *>
ServerName foo.com
ServerAlias www.foo.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/foo
<Directory />
	Options FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride None
<Directory /var/www/foo>
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
	AllowOverride None
	Order allow,deny
	allow from all
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/foo-error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/foo-access.log combined

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No, the method Ive described is just one way to setup vhosts. You could place your <VirtualHost> definitions all within your main httpd.conf file if you wanted to.


What distro are you using? Its likely there is a specific setup methodology already in place.

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