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I have a simple page that displays the current US Threat Advisory as you can see here...




At the bottom of the page you will see it says Elevated. Where it says Elevated I want it to show the corresponding image as it shows on that page. Currently it shows a color instead but I have that call removed and just have it show the text. So basically I just want to replace the text with an image. Here is the code that displays the text. How would I go about change it to where it would show the image instead of the text. Now this is not the entire file, just the snippet for the code that outputs the text. I tried a couple of different things but nothing worked.


      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]);
      		if ($threat_advisory_level == 'SEVERE') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'red';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'HIGH') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'orange';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFA500';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'ELEVATED') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'yellow';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFF00';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'GUARDED') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'blue';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '0000FF';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'LOW') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'green';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '00FF00';



Here is the entire file....


#  HAMweather 3
#  This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved.
#  It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following
#  URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml
* Revision:
* $Id$


class FetchUSThreatAdvisory {
var $cfg;
var $debug = false;
var $core_path ='';

var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
var $threat_advisory_color = 'white';
var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000';

Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) {
	$this->core_path = $core_path;

Function Debug ($mode) {
	$this->debug = $mode;

Function usthreatadvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) {

	$error = "";

	list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info;

	$cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache');
	if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path =  'cache'; }
	if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path;

	if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n";

	$cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file'));
	if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; }

	//Call Fetch Forcast
	$data  = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','',
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'),
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0);

	$wx_data = $data[1];

	$this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
	$this->threat_advisory_color = 'white';
	$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF';

      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]);
      		if ($threat_advisory_level == 'SEVERE') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'red';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'HIGH') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'orange';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFA500';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'ELEVATED') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'yellow';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFF00';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'GUARDED') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'blue';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '0000FF';
		elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'LOW') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'green';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '00FF00';


	return $t;


Function GetValue($key, $index) {
	$old_error_reporting = error_reporting(0);
	$val = '';

	$val = $this->$key;


	return $val;




I am sure this is an easy thing to do but I am stuck. So if anyone could give me a hand that would be great...





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Thanks, but I already have the call done. I have it now where it shows the text. I just need it to show the image instead of the text. The first snippet of code I posted is what I use to show the text. How would I could about changing it to show an image instead of text?



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change the echo to a return and swap it for.

return $t;
return "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$threat_advisory_level}\" />";



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the folder with the images is like this






my script takes the threat level and turns it to lowercase then puts it in a <img> tag outputting that will give the required threat level image.

change this


	return $t;




	return "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$threat_advisory_level}\" />";




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here i reworte the function i think htis should work. i havn't tested it. i just clicked the link an noticed by nothing u mean a blank page what is the error reporting level i would recomend adding this to display all errors


here is the rewriten function

Function usthreatadvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) {
	$error = "";
	list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info;
	$cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache');
	if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path =  'cache'; }

	if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path;

	if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n";

	$cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file'));

	if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; }

	//Call Fetch Forcast
	$data  = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','',
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'),
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0);

	$wx_data = $data[1];

	$this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
	$this->threat_advisory_color = 'white';
	$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF';

      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$this->$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]);
      		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />";
      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";

	return $t;



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I get this when I use to code above so I have gone back to the old one....


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/mesquit1/public_html/weather/hamlib/HW3Plugins/FetchUSThreatAdvisory.php on line 36


What I am confused about is where in the code or how does it know what image to assign to which threat level? Does that make sense?


For example, elevated use elevated.gif, High use high.gif etc....


Because in the way I had it set up for example this one.


elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'HIGH') {
			$this->threat_advisory_color = 'orange';
			$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFA500';


If you notice if the data received from the data source is HIGH it display a orange box with a certain color text. I got all that working and it works great. I have removed those calls in the HTML file though because I wanted to show the new images instead. You see what I mean though, I have assigned colors for assigned threats that show. Don't I need to do that with the images instead somehow so it knows what image to show for each threat level?





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sorry i see the problem with my code i forgot to close a else statement

      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";

	return $t;

needs to be

      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";
	return $t;

how knows which image it dosn't need to know the color because the color is already in the image and so when $threat_advisory_level = "HIGH" if you convert that to lower case then add .gif you have the name of the image this way we do not need to know what color the image is try the code with the fix it should work.



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Ah I get what you are saying now, that makes sense. I had to had the function class because it was left off. I am not getting this error which is the last line but I don't see what it is talking about.


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/mesquit1/public_html/weather/hamlib/HW3Plugins/FetchUSThreatAdvisory.php on line 69


#  HAMweather 3
#  This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved.
#  It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following
#  URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml
* Revision:
* $Id$


class FetchUSThreatAdvisory {
var $cfg;
var $debug = false;
var $core_path ='';

var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
var $threat_advisory_color = 'white';
var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000';

Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) {
	$this->core_path = $core_path;

Function Debug ($mode) {
	$this->debug = $mode;

Function usthreatadvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) {
	$error = "";
	list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info;
	$cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache');
	if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path =  'cache'; }

	if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path;

	if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n";

	$cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file'));

	if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; }

	//Call Fetch Forcast
	$data  = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','',
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'),
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0);

	$wx_data = $data[1];

	$this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
	$this->threat_advisory_color = 'white';
	$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF';

      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$this->$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]);
      		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />";
      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";
	return $t;

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Ok I closed that but now I am getting this error.


Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/mesquit1/public_html/weather/hamlib/HW3Plugins/FetchUSThreatAdvisory.php on line 63


Line 63 is this...


$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />";


Here is the full code...



#  HAMweather 3
#  This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved.
#  It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following
#  URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml
* Revision:
* $Id$


class FetchUSThreatAdvisory {
var $cfg;
var $debug = false;
var $core_path ='';

var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
var $threat_advisory_color = 'white';
var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000';

Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) {
	$this->core_path = $core_path;

Function Debug ($mode) {
	$this->debug = $mode;

Function usthreatadvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) {
	$error = "";
	list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info;
	$cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache');
	if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path =  'cache'; }

	if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path;

	if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n";

	$cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file'));

	if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; }

	//Call Fetch Forcast
	$data  = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','',
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'),
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0);

	$wx_data = $data[1];

	$this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
	$this->threat_advisory_color = 'white';
	$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF';

      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$this->$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]);
      		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />";
      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";
	return $t;


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im not sure of the error but replace this

      		$this->threat_advisory_level = strtoupper($m[1]);
      		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"" . $this->$threat_advisory_level . "\" />";



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try to replace

      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$this->$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]);
      		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />";
      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";
	return $t;


      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$this->threat_advisory_level = strtoupper($m[1]);
      		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"" . $this->$threat_advisory_level . "\" />";
      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";
	return $t;



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Still getting the same error except now on line 64. Is their another way to do this without completely rewriting the logic? This was a plugin for the weather software I am using so I am thinking this is not following the logic of the software.

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sorry noob error

i was using $this->$threat_advisory_level when it should have been $this->threat_advisory_level

replace this:

$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"" . $this->threat_advisory_level . "\" />";

and check this

$this->threat_advisory_level = strtoupper($m[1]);

the line before



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I am getting nothing but a blank page...


Here is the full code now with the changes


#  HAMweather 3
#  This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved.
#  It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following
#  URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml
* Revision:
* $Id$


class FetchUSThreatAdvisory {
var $cfg;
var $debug = false;
var $core_path ='';

var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
var $threat_advisory_color = 'white';
var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000';

Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) {
	$this->core_path = $core_path;

Function Debug ($mode) {
	$this->debug = $mode;

Function USthreatAdvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) {
	$error = "";
	list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info;
	$cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache');
	if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path =  'cache'; }

	if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path;

	if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n";

	$cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file'));

	if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; }

	//Call Fetch Forcast
	$data  = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','',
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'),
		$cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0);

	$wx_data = $data[1];

	$this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
	$this->threat_advisory_color = 'white';
	$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF';

      		if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) {
      		$this->threat_advisory_level = strtoupper($m[1]);
      		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"" . $this->threat_advisory_level . "\" />";
      		$t = "Threat Level unknown";
	return $t;

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i copied the whole class had a real close look at it. i can't see any problems i added a new debug output run this and post the output

#  HAMweather 3
#  This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved.
#  It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following
#  URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml
* Revision:
* $Id$

require_once ("FetchWxData.php");

class FetchUSThreatAdvisory {
var $cfg;
var $debug = false;
var $core_path = '';

var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
var $threat_advisory_color = 'white';
var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000';

function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) {
	$this->core_path = $core_path;

function Debug($mode) {
	$this->debug = $mode;

function USthreatAdvisory(&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) {
	$error = "";
	list($iwin_file, $ma, $t, $lib, $code, $tcode) = $forecast_info;
	$cache_path = $cfg->val('Paths', 'cache');
	if (!$cache_path) {
		$cache_path = 'cache';

	if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path))
		$cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path;

	if ($debug)
		print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n";

	$cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file'));

	if (!$cache_file) {
		$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt';

	//Call Fetch Forcast
	$data = &fetch_forecast($cfg, $ma, $cache_file, '', '', $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'), $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val
		('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug, 0);

	$wx_data = $data[1];

	$this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN';
	$this->threat_advisory_color = 'white';
	$this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF';

	if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data, $m)) {
		$this->threat_advisory_level = strtoupper($m[1]);
		if ($debug)
		$t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/" . strtolower($this->threat_advisory_level) . ".gif\" alt=\"" . $this->threat_advisory_level . "\" />";
	} else {
		$t = "Threat Level unknown";
	return $t;



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