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You'd have more luck with the date() function because there are an infinite amount of times in which it is midnight.


if(date("G") == "0") 
echo "it's midnight";


and so on..


P.s. not that it matters, but strictly speaking 12.00pm is midday lol. 12.00am is midnight.

If your planning on running a certain code at certain times of the day, your expecting people to activate that script at that time. Have a look into Cron Jobs.


EDIT: Check the date() function. G returns 24 hour time without leading zero's... 0 = midnight. 19 = 7pm

You're better off using a switch/case if you want to have lots of different messages.


   case "7":
   echo "It is 7.00am";

   case "12":
   echo "It is 12.00pm - Midday : ]";

   case "0":
   echo "It is midnight!";

   echo "This will display if the date function returns a value that hasn't been dealt with previously";


Orr... if you really want to stick to the if .. else.. method..


if(date("G") == "0")
   echo "it is midnight";
elseif(date("G") == "7")
    echo "it is 7.00am";
elseif(date("G") == "[YOUR TIME HERE]")
   echo "...";
   echo "This will display if the date function returns a value that hasn't been dealt with previously";


It works on a twenty four hour clock, you just simply change the numbers "0" or "7" to whatever time you want on a twenty four hour clock


To schlo_50:


No, because the date output is not in the format HH:MM.  It simply returns H in 24 hour clock format.. you can however change the date function's parameters to produce such an output if you wished and then do it like that though.

Would this not do?



$current_time = date('G');

if($current_time == "19:00") {

print "It's 7:00pm.";




It doesn't return it as 19:00, it just returns it as 19.


As ProjectFear says though, making a script work without someone accessing it would be trickier..

Not necessarily, read up on it. It can be quite handy.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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