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[SOLVED] PHP Multiloop Problem


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Good Morning/Afternoon (whichever applies)


Okay, I am making a area on my website which users let each other know what they did. (Kinda like facebook's recent friend actions)

Anyways, I ran into some problems. You see with the code I have to grab the friends that you have from one table, use them for another tables query to get the actions.


So basically:

Query Friends -> Use Friends to Query Actions -> Output Recent Actions


The code I have is below

$friends = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT `Friend` FROM `Friends` WHERE `Username`='%s' AND `Blocked`='No' AND `Mutual`='Yes'", mysql_real_escape_string($username)));
while ($friends = mysql_fetch_array($friends)){
            foreach ($friends as $fri){
          $actions = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Actions` WHERE `Username`='$fri'");
          $actionrows = mysql_num_rows($actions);
          for ($i=0;$i=$actionrows;$i++){
	       while ($recs = mysql_fetch_array($actions)){
		     echo $recs['Username'];


The code just gives me a timeout error, but does output the $recs['Username'];

It just takes forever to load it.


I probably can achieve this some other way, I just don't know exactly where to turn. If you could show me a sign it would help~




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Try something like this:


$friends = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `Friends` WHERE `Username`='%s' AND `Blocked`='No' AND `Mutual`='Yes'", mysql_real_escape_string($username)));

while($r = mysql_fetch_array($friends)){
            $actions = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Actions` WHERE `Username`='{$r['Friend']}'");

	       while ($recs = mysql_fetch_array($actions)){
		     echo $recs['Username']."<br>";

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You ever hear of a join query???


Select  Friends.*, Actions.* 
from `Friends` 
Left join `Actions` ON (Actions.Username = Friends.Friend) 
Where Friends.Username = '%s' and Friends.Blocked='No' and Friends.Mutual='Yes'
GROUP BY Friends.Username


Take it into phpmyadmin and play around with it

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Try something like this:


$friends = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `Friends` WHERE `Username`='%s' AND `Blocked`='No' AND `Mutual`='Yes'", mysql_real_escape_string($username)));

while($r = mysql_fetch_array($friends)){
            $actions = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Actions` WHERE `Username`='{$r['Friend']}'");

	       while ($recs = mysql_fetch_array($actions)){
		     echo $recs['Username']."<br>";


That seems to have worked. Thank you!



You ever hear of a join query???


Select  Friends.*, Actions.* 
from `Friends` 
Left join `Actions` ON (Actions.Username = Friends.Friend) 
Where Friends.Username = '%s' and Friends.Blocked='No' and Friends.Mutual='Yes'
GROUP BY Friends.Username


Take it into phpmyadmin and play around with it


Never have, I will look into that though. THANKS

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If you have a properly built database advancing your queries to draw off multiple tables will drastically improve your abilities.


Also I see you are using fulltext (Yes/No) instead of BOOL variables of (1/0)  Why???


That sir is a good question.

Well, helps me remember what its doing, BUT now that I think about it I could probably just put comments to remind me what I am doing.

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When you site gets amazing and you have more users than facebook saving that extra space and processing time to use a smallint(1) vs a varchar(3) is huge


That is true. Actually I was trying to debate whether or not to use ID (int 255, auto-inc.) as a primary key in the Actions table as I am going to set up a cronjob to delete 2 day old actions. So the auto-incrementing ID would be used up eventually except it would take ALONG time I would imagine.


But I couldn't think of a way around, any thoughts?

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I make my primarykeys of infinitesimally growing fields BigINT AUTOINCREMENT


Storing/comparing integers is far easier than varchars/text/floats because you have 10 characters to use vs the entire ASCII library


If u want I can look at your db design and tell you how to improve it.

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