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Hi guys i use a script to show me the quota a user is using and it shows a pie chart


Example - pie.JPG


instead of it being the pie chart i want it to show like this exampl below




Can anyone help me with this please :) also if you need to see code just let me know and ill show you what i use :) thanks and regards :)

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excuse me ? why would i be telling lies about how the script works that simply just doesnt make sense, i do NOT have GD installed and the script does NOT call any out of the server functions doesnt call images from out of the box either, please dont call me a liar for explaining what the script does.

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fair enough, you still have no rights to call me a liar,



class userQuota
var $qType;        // output type
var $qQuota;       // quota value
var $qUsed;        // used value
var $qUser;        // input user name
var $gWidth;       // width of pie chart
var $gHeight;      // height of pie chart (determined by width)
var $g3DHeight;    // do we want a 3D look or not
var $gLegend;      // display the legend or not
var $gQuotaColour; // colour of quota
var $gUsedColour;  // colour of used space
var $gBackColour;  // colour of the background
var $gTextColour;  // colour of the legend text
var $gCentreUsed;  // centre the 'used' wedge to bottom of pie

function userQuota($quota, $used, $username = '')
	$this->qUser = $username;

	$this->qQuota   = $quota;
	$this->qUsed    = $used;
	$this->oPercent = ($this->qUsed / (!$this->qQuota ? 1 : $this->qQuota)) * 100;
	$this->qUser    = $username;
	if ($this->oPercent > 100)
		$this->oPercent = 100;
function setOutputText()
	$this->qType = 0;
function setOutputImage()
	$this->qType = 1;
function setImageProperties($width = 150, $threeD = TRUE, $legend = TRUE, $centre = TRUE, $qc = 'DDDDDD', $uc = 'ED1C24', $bc = 'FFFFFF', $tc = '000000')
	$this->gWidth = (!$width ? 150 : $width);
	if ($threeD)
		$this->gHeight   = $width/2;
		$this->g3DHeight = $width/10;
		$this->gHeight   = $width;
		$this->g3DHeight = 0;
	$this->gLegend      = ($legend == TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE);
	$this->gCentreUsed  = ($centre == TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE);
	$this->gQuotaColour = $this->_htmlHexToBinArray($qc);
	$this->gUsedColour  = $this->_htmlHexToBinArray($uc);
	$this->gBackColour  = $this->_htmlHexToBinArray($bc);
	$this->gTextColour  = $this->_htmlHexToBinArray($tc);
function displayQuota()
	($this->qType == 0) ? $this->_displayText() : $this->_displayImage();
function _htmlHexToBinArray($hex)
	for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++)
		$foo = substr($hex, 2*$i, 2); 
		$rgb[$i] = 16 * hexdec(substr($foo, 0, 1)) + hexdec(substr($foo, 1, 1)); 
	return $rgb;
function _displayText()
	if ($this->qUser) echo 'The quota for ', $this->qUser;
	else echo 'Your quota';
	echo ' is ', $this->_formatSize($this->qQuota), ' and ', 
		($this->qUser ? 'they' : 'you'), ' have used ',
		$this->_formatSize($this->qUsed), ' (',
		number_format($this->oPercent, 2), '%) of it.';
function _displayImage()
	// the graph variables
	$sStart = $this->g3DHeight * 2;
	$wStart = $this->gWidth * 2;
	$hStart = $this->gHeight * 2;
	if ($this->qUsed >= $this->qQuota) $usedPercent = 359;
	else $usedPercent = $this->oPercent * 3.6;
	if ($this->gCentreUsed)
		$sWedge = (int)(90 - ($usedPercent / 2));
		if ($sWedge < 0) $sWedge += 360;
		$mWedge = (int)(90 + ($usedPercent / 2));
		$mWedge = ($mWedge == 90 ? 91 : $mWedge);
		$eWedge = (int)$sWedge;
		$sWedge = 0;
		$mWedge = (int)($usedPercent ? $usedPercent : 1);
		$eWedge = 360;
       	$im = @ImageCreateTrueColor($wStart, $hStart + $sStart);
	if ($im)
		$cBg = ImageColorAllocate($im, $this->gBackColour[0], $this->gBackColour[1], $this->gBackColour[2]);
		$cUsed = ImageColorAllocate($im, $this->gUsedColour[0], $this->gUsedColour[1], $this->gUsedColour[2]);
		$cQuota = ImageColorAllocate($im, $this->gQuotaColour[0], $this->gQuotaColour[1], $this->gQuotaColour[2]);
		ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $cBg);
		if ($this->g3DHeight)
			$qDarkArray = $this->gQuotaColour;
			for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++)
				($qDarkArray[$i] > 99) ? $qDarkArray[$i] -= 100 : $qDarkArray[$i] = 0;
			$uDarkArray = $this->gUsedColour;
			for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++)
				($uDarkArray[$i] > 99) ? $uDarkArray[$i] -= 100 : $uDarkArray[$i] = 0;
			$cQuotaDark = ImageColorAllocate($im, $qDarkArray[0], $qDarkArray[1], $qDarkArray[2]);
			$cUsedDark = ImageColorAllocate($im, $uDarkArray[0], $uDarkArray[1], $uDarkArray[2]);

			$shadow_start = ($hStart/2) + $sStart;
			$shadow_end = $hStart/2;
			for ($i=$shadow_start - 1; $i>$shadow_end; $i--)
				ImageFilledArc($im, ($wStart/2), $i, $wStart, $hStart,  $sWedge, $mWedge, $cUsedDark, IMG_ARC_PIE);
				ImageFilledArc($im, ($wStart/2), $i, $wStart, $hStart, $mWedge, $eWedge, $cQuotaDark, IMG_ARC_PIE);

		ImageFilledArc($im, ($wStart/2), ($hStart/2), $wStart, $hStart, $sWedge, $mWedge, $cUsed, IMG_ARC_PIE);
		ImageFilledArc($im, ($wStart/2), ($hStart/2), $wStart, $hStart, $mWedge, $eWedge, $cQuota, IMG_ARC_PIE);

		if ($this->gLegend)

			$lHeight = $lWidth = 0;
			$spacer = 10;

			$qText[0] = 'Quota: ' . $this->_formatSize($this->qQuota);
			if ($this->qUser) $qText[1] = '       (' . $this->qUser . ')';
			else $qText[1] = '';
			$uText[0] = 'Used : ' . $this->_formatSize($this->qUsed);
			$uText[1] = '       (' . number_format($this->oPercent,2) . '%)';

			$lHeight = (ImageFontHeight(2) * ($qText[1] == '' ? 3 : 4)) + $spacer;

			$qMax = (strlen($qText[0]) > strlen($qText[1])) ? strlen($qText[0]) : strlen($qText[1]);
			$uMax = (strlen($uText[0]) > strlen($uText[1])) ? strlen($uText[0]) : strlen($uText[1]);
			$tMax = ($qMax > $uMax ? $qMax : $uMax);
			$lWidth = ($tMax * ImageFontWidth(2)) + $spacer + ImageFontHeight(2);

			$lim = ImageCreateTrueColor($lWidth, $lHeight);
			ImageFill($lim, 0, 0, $cBg);
			$cText = ImageColorAllocate($lim, $this->gTextColour[0], $this->gTextColour[1], $this->gTextColour[2]);
			$lx = 0;
			$ly = 0;

			ImageFilledRectangle($lim, $lx, $ly, ($lx + ImageFontHeight(2)), ($ly + ImageFontHeight(2)), $cQuota);
			ImageString($lim, 2, ($lx + ImageFontHeight(2) + $spacer), $ly, $qText[0], $cText);
			if ($qText[1] != '')
				$ly += ImageFontHeight(2);
				ImageString($lim, 2, ($lx + ImageFontHeight(2) + $spacer), $ly, $qText[1], $cText);

			$ly += ($spacer + ImageFontHeight(2));

			ImageFilledRectangle($lim, $lx, $ly, ($lx + ImageFontHeight(2)), ($ly + ImageFontHeight(2)), $cUsed);
			ImageString($lim, 2, ($lx + ImageFontHeight(2) + $spacer), $ly, $uText[0], $cText);
			$ly += ImageFontHeight(2);
			ImageString($lim, 2, ($lx + ImageFontHeight(2) + $spacer), $ly, $uText[1], $cText);

			$gsx = ImageSX($im);
			$gsy = ImageSY($im);
			$lsx = ImageSX($lim);
			$lsy = ImageSY($lim);
			$gnx = ($gsx >> 1);
			$gny = ($gsy >> 1);
			$fx = ($gnx > $lsx) ? $gnx : $lsx;
			$fy = $gny + $lsy + ($spacer * 2);
			$final = ImageCreateTrueColor($fx, $fy);
			ImageFill($final, 0, 0, $cBg);
			ImageCopyResampled($final, $im, (($fx/2)-($gnx/2)), 0, 0, 0, $gnx, $gny, $gsx, $gsy);
			ImageCopyResampled($final, $lim, (($fx/2)-($lsx/2)), $gny + ($spacer * 2), 0, 0, $lsx, $lsy, $lsx, $lsy);
			$sx = ImageSX($im); 
			$sy = ImageSY($im); 
			$nx = ($sx>>1); 
			$ny = ($sy>>1);
			$final = ImageCreateTrueColor($nx, $ny);
			ImageCopyResampled($final, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $nx, $ny, $sx, $sy);

		header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
		ImageJPEG($final, NULL, 100);

function _formatSize($size = 0)
	if ($size >= 1073741824) $size = round($size/1073741824*100)/100 . " Gb";
	else if ($size >= 1048576) $size = round($size/1048576*100)/100 . " Mb";
	else if ($size >= 1024) $size = round($size/1024*100)/100 . " kb";
	else $size = $size . " bytes";
	return $size;

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ok im gonna end this here as its obvious something isnt how it should be plain and simple i dont have GD installed, the script is running on my box, what more can i say its running it works, all i want to do is change the way it shows the data, sorry for bothering you!




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Hey guys no need to fight.  stelthius isn't necessarily lying; as he said, what's the point in lying about it? He may simply not know and he's just assuming it's not installed because he didn't go install it.  But nonetheless, stelthius, the following:















are in your script.  Those are all functions of the GD library, so you somehow do indeed have the GD library installed and enabled on your system.  You had to have installed apache/php or maybe a package like WAMP or XAMPP or something, maybe it came with the bundle. Who knows? But the bottom line is that you do have it installed, because your script wouldn't run without it.


Check out what the GD library has to offer, in the way of doing what you want. 

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1) You don't have to install GD to have it, it's like the yahoo toolbar :) That said, it is a GD function which means you are probably running GD, and you can find out for sure by using the phpinfo() function.


2) You don't have to have GD to make an image on the server. There are tons of other libraries, and you don't even need a library, because you could run something like Image Magick command line and then route the image.


3) In a world where people are generally very tactful, it's sometimes funny to see something blatantly hostile and completely unprovoked.



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1) You don't have to install GD to have it, it's like the yahoo toolbar :) That said, it is a GD function which means you are probably running GD, and you can find out for sure by using the phpinfo() function.


2) You don't have to have GD to make an image on the server. There are tons of other libraries, and you don't even need a library, because you could run something like Image Magick command line and then route the image.


3) In a world where people are generally very tactful, it's sometimes funny to see something blatantly hostile and completely unprovoked.




1) Yes you do it could be part of the installation you used (such as wamp xamp uniform server)  and yahoo toolbar needs to be installed.


2) It isn't image magick because of the functions being used


3) I am not hostile I just hate when people are stubborn about something and they don't even take the time to check if a prediction is correct.

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that being said I go back to my original statement that you need to use GD to generate the images as needed.


Since this class looks like it wasn't written by you then this will be a challenge to do ti without any help.


I suggest you google php graphing with GD tutorials as I suggested 20 post ago.

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Let's settle this once and for all.  Stelthius, no one touched your box, it's just the PHP has GD bundled already. =/  And it's not so easy to magically present data in a different fashion.  You're going to need the background image, first of all, and a "circle" image that you will need to calculate the location of based on percentages.

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