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[SOLVED] nedd assistance with calendar script


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Hey all,


I have a script that creates time increments dynamically and should be displaying columns right though  Any ones help is greatly appreciated. Code is below.

$stime = strtotime('12am'); 
for ($i = 0; $i < (24 * 4); $i++) { 
    $tod = $stime + ($i * 30 * 60); 
    $display = date('h:i A', $tod); 
    if (substr($display, 0, 2) == '00') { 
        $display = '12' . substr($display, 2); 
$columns = 7;
$current_column = 1;	
if ($current_column == 1) {
        echo '<tr><td scope=row align=center>'.$display.'</td>';

$q="select * from $table";
$res=mysql_query($q) or die("Error selecting events. ".mysql_error());
echo '<td align="center"><a title="'.$row['eday'].'<br />'.$row['evtime'].'<br />'.$row['about'].'">'.$row['event'].'</a></td>';
if ($current_column > $columns) {
        echo "</tr>";
        $current_column = 1;
    }else{ echo '<td> </td>';
  }else{echo '<td> </td>';}
if ($current_column>1) {
    for ($col=$current_column; $col<=$columns; $col++) {
        echo "<td> </td>";
echo '</tr>';



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What it does:


populates each time slot with the same post

it skips the date it is supposed to be posted on


Does not do:

does not fill in accordingly all other timeslots and columns with spaces since theres no data for those cols or slots

Does not stick the time and event in the correct time slot


What i want it to do.


Fill in all other columns and time slots with spaces so that there are no empty cells

stick the event on the correct date and time


This is a weekly event calendar and need to have each column either filled with events or spaces indicating no event is scheduled.

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as seen on my original post of this thread

$stime = strtotime('12am'); 
for ($i = 0; $i < (24 * 4); $i++) { 
    $tod = $stime + ($i * 30 * 60); 
    $display = date('h:i A', $tod); 
    if (substr($display, 0, 2) == '00') { 
        $display = '12' . substr($display, 2); 
$columns = 7;
$current_column = 1;	
if ($current_column == 1) {
        echo '<tr><td scope=row align=center>'.$display.'</td>';

$q="select * from $table";
$res=mysql_query($q) or die("Error selecting events. ".mysql_error());
echo '<td align="center"><a title="'.$row['eday'].'<br />'.$row['evtime'].'<br />'.$row['about'].'">'.$row['event'].'</a></td>';
if ($current_column > $columns) {
        echo "</tr>";
        $current_column = 1;
    }else{ echo '<td> </td>';
  }else{echo '<td> </td>';}
if ($current_column>1) {
    for ($col=$current_column; $col<=$columns; $col++) {
        echo "<td> </td>";
echo '</tr>';



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Here is my table structure. I only am using a single table for this calendar.

CREATE TABLE `events` (
  `eid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `evtime` varchar( NOT NULL,
  `eday` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `event` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `about` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`eid`)



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stored it like that because I had some bad luck with formatting dates in previous scripts. I found if they were stored in varchar they could easily be formatted or manipulated. I am willing to learn and figure out why this isn't  working though. Thank you for your time in going through this with me.

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For a calendar type of application, using varchar is useless.


You need to learn either Unix timestamps or MySQL timestamps.  Don't worry too much about formatting it, that is the easy part.

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