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I've been making this roulette page in php for the last day or so and everything's fine except this one error message that isn't showing up.

I have the outcome to the wheel, betting on red/black, odd/even all put into the arrays $bet[] and $won[] and I've used array_sum to get them afterwards. I've tried to make sure they're using whole numbers by putting in

if(!round(array_sum($bet))) {

echo "Invalid bet";



I was hoping that would just work on its own, but you can still place bets containing decimal places if there's at least one box filled with a whole number. Anyone have any ideas? I'd be really grateful :] thanks

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To check if a value is a round number with no decimal places, ctype_digit() should work (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ctype-digit.php).


Also you can/probably should cast the type to an integer value before doing anything with it just to be sure.


$var = (int)$var;

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