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Figured I'd be a little more miscellaneous than usual so...

Is anyone else interested in watches? What kinds are your favourites? What kinds do you own? I've just recently become interested in them and purchased my first (likely of many) decent watch yesterday. Its a Nixon Manual in gunmetal. I was eyeing the Super Rover SS but had just bought a bunch of clothes and didn't want to see my VISA if I bought it as well so I opted for the cheaper model :P

Does anyone have any suggestions for future watches or want to name watches they have or like?



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I have a Breitling Chrono Colt, currently with a Professional II bracelet, though I have a brown leather strap for it too that I have yet to take out of its box. I'd quite like to pick up a Zenith Chronomaster El Primero Automatic within the next couple of years though too.

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I was actually looking at the Breitling Blackbird in white gold today. Aparently they don't produce them anymore so maybe by the time I'm out of college I could pickup a decent second hand one for something a little more affordable.

The El Primero looks really nice. I'd really like to get a nice swiss watch someday.

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