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a bounce rate is the percent of vistor that click on your website then bounce right back out. as soon as i clicked on i wanted to leave too much to take in on a homepage the homepage should be simple and everything your vistor wants should be only two clicks way.


I am unsure what you are telling me to be honest, because I think the design is simplistic, all the menu is there, and you don't even have to click to see the blog posts, so I don't understand what your getting at.  If you don't like it then fair enough, you can't please anyone, but I have had alot of critique on this website, and most of it has been positive.  But I appreciate your critique, because I did ask for it, but your pretty much saying it is useless, so I am going to disregard that comment no offence, because as I said, you can't please everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok...when i first went to the site i kinda did a "Oh goodness" and did honestly want to leave pretty quick...just because of the cartooney nature of the site...


could be more professional, thats all that i am saying...


now...after sticking around for a little while it started to look nicer.  kinda cool, still a little goofy, but neat.


not a 10 out of 10, but definately more than a 3...just because i personally wouldnt use it.


original, and if you made it yourself i say good job...youre more of an artist than i ever will be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't like the header image, when it load I too thought 'Hmm'.  Also the rest should be centered if you're having a full width banner.


However, the design of the rest of it I like, it's pretty simple and easy on the eye, and the bit at the bottom is good too, nice and 'clean' layout after the banner.  I think even just removing the plane, and maybe shaving ~50 or so pixels off the height could make a huuge difference (I do like the sun link xD).  The navigation links are pretty cool, but as with the banner I feel they're just a bit tall... hard to change without losing the detail though :/

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