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php accordion content help


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hello all,


I am trying to create a module for the backend user that will enable them to specify titles and contents to be displayed in an accordion.


I want to give them the option of having the titles above each content pane (like a traditional accordion) or besides the content panes.

I have created my module for the most part - and have the traditional set up working fine, but I would like to clean it up a little.


First, I would like to loop through all the items to see which is active.

//Collect Parameters






this retrieves the info from the module. $item will be a booleen 0 or 1 to determine if they want to use that content in the accordion.


echo '<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEvent("domready", function(){
		var accordion = new Accordion("h5.atStart", "div.atStart", {
			opacity: false,
			onActive: function(toggler, element){
				toggler.setStyle("color", "'.$headercol.'");

			onBackground: function(toggler, element){
				toggler.setStyle("color", "'.$headercolbg.'");
		}, $("accordion"));



This is the js code that will be inserted. (I'm not sure this will work for the accordion with the titles on the side?)


then a little condition to see if we are "on top" or "besides"



Currently this is how I have the code for the accordion with titles on top:

echo '

<h5 class="toggler atStart">'.$title1.'</h5>
<div class="element atStart">


echo '...


rather than go through with a condition on each item I would like to setup an array that contains all my items with their booleen value then loop through the arrray to find the items I want to echo.


Then once I get that set up correctly - I can begin coding the output for the accordion with titles on the side.


Any ideas??



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I suppose to simplify my first question I could ask this way:


how do get the information from my other variables if I make an array for the $items like:

$myItems = array($item1,$item2,$item3,$item4,$item5,$item6,$item7,$item8,$item9,$item10);
foreach( $myItems as $myItem) {
     //this is where I need to echo my title and code but I don't know how to match it with the item?


Dose this make sense?

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ok I solved the loop issue like this:


$row1 = array($params->get('item1'),$params->get('title1'),$params->get('code1'));
$row2 = array($params->get('item2'),$params->get('title2'),$params->get('code2'));
$row3 = array($params->get('item3'),$params->get('title3'),$params->get('code3'));
$row4 = array($params->get('item4'),$params->get('title4'),$params->get('code4'));
$row5 = array($params->get('item5'),$params->get('title5'),$params->get('code5'));
$row6 = array($params->get('item6'),$params->get('title6'),$params->get('code6'));
$row7 = array($params->get('item7'),$params->get('title7'),$params->get('code7'));
$row8 = array($params->get('item8'),$params->get('title8'),$params->get('code8'));
$row9 = array($params->get('item9'),$params->get('title9'),$params->get('code9'));
$row10 = array($params->get('item10'),$params->get('title10'),$params->get('code10'));

//Place user snippets in accordion structure
$myitems = array($row1,$row2,$row3,$row4,$row5,$row6,$row7,$row8,$row9,$row10);

echo '<div id="accordion" style="margin-top:'.$margintop.'px;margin-bottom:'.$marginbottom.'px">';
foreach ($myitems as $myitem){
	if($myitem[0]==1) {
		echo '
				<h5 class="toggler atStart">'.$myitem[1].'</h5>
				<div class="element atStart">
else {
$myitems = array($row1,$row2,$row3,$row4,$row5,$row6,$row7,$row8,$row9,$row10);

echo '<div id="submenu">';
echo '<h3 class="sub">Treatments</h3>';
	foreach ($myitems as $mytitle){
		if($mytitle[0]==1) {
			echo '<h5 class="toggler atStart">'.$mytitle[1].'</h5>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="page_text">';

	foreach ($myitems as $mypanel){
		if($mypanel[0]==1) {
			echo '<div class="element atStart">'.$mypanel[2].'</div>';
echo '</div>';	


which loads everything properly - but the js for the accordion does not work if the title menu is beside the panels


Any pointers on how to fix this? - I would really like to have the js code work for both positions.


I realize that this is not really a php question now, sorry

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