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[SOLVED] pop3 and fsockopen


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So I am able to connect to the pop3 server, log in, and check how many messages there are.  I am having a problem with server responses though.


In the following code, I don't understand why on the marked line I get a response.  Right after I get the server response after sending the password I am able to fgets() and receive the info as if i had just sent the 'stat' command.  But I didn't send it at all.  Is this just an automated response I should expect, or a setting with the server?


Also, I never seem to get a response from the server when sending the 'list' command.  I'm assuming I don't get a response because the browser just waits until timeout at that part of the script. 


I am new to sockets and decided to learn them using pop3 as a project.  Any help is appreciated.



$fp=fsockopen("pop.1and1.com", 110, $errno, $errstr, 30);
echo 'Connected!<br>';

$username="USER email@edited.com\r\n";
$password="PASS mypassword\r\n";

$us=fwrite($fp, $username, strlen($username));
echo 'Username sent, server response: '.$ur.'<br>';
$ps=fwrite($fp, $password, strlen($password));
echo 'Password sent, server response: '.$pr.'<br>';

//Question refers to this line

$parts=explode(" ", $res);
echo $parts[4].' messages on server<br><br>';

        //I don't get a response from this part.
$get=fwrite($fp, 'list');
echo $msg;
echo 'Failed Connecting!<br>';


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Hopefully this gives more information.  In this example I am attempting to replicate the telnet connection i list with php. 


Telnet (works great):

+OK POP server ready H mius1
user email@edited.com
+OK password required for user "chris@stooney.com"
pass mypassword
+OK mailbox "email@edited.com" has 1 messages (1025 octets) H mius1
1 1025


php script


$fp=fsockopen("pop.1and1.com", 110, $errno, $errstr, 30);
echo 'Connected!<br>';

$username="USER email@edited.com\r\n";
$password="PASS mypassword\r\n";

$us=fwrite($fp, $username, strlen($username));
echo 'Username sent, server response: '.$ur.'<br>';
$ps=fwrite($fp, $password, strlen($password));
echo 'Password sent, server response: '.$pr.'<br>';

$parts=explode(" ", $res);
echo $parts[4].' messages on server<br><br>';
//Everything up to here works as expected, the following is where my problem lies
//I used stream_get_contents here because I need to get more than 1 line of data 
//and php.net said it's better than fread() in this case.
$get=fwrite($fp, "list\r\n");
//The following line is where the browser sits and times out.  As far as I know
//I should be getting a response here.
echo $msg;
echo 'Failed Connecting!<br>';


Here is the output from the php script.  This is with the problem line (stream_get_contents) commented out to prevent the page timeout.

Username sent, server response: +OK POP server ready H mius9
Password sent, server response: +OK password required for user "email@edited.com"
1 messages on server

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Ok.  The above problems have been worked out.  Now I have yet another question.


In telnet the command 'RETR 1' properly retrieves the email and displays the message.

The same command in the script only returns '+OK 1027 octets' (which is only the first line of the server response)


What function should I use to retrieve the entire message rather than just the first line?  (assuming this is my problem)


Here's the current code:



$fp=fsockopen("pop.1and1.com", 110, $errno, $errstr, 30);
echo 'Connected!<br>';

$username="USER email@stooney.com\r\n";
$password="PASS mypassword\r\n";

$us=fwrite($fp, $username, strlen($username));
echo 'Username sent, server response: '.$ur.'<br>';
$ps=fwrite($fp, $password, strlen($password));
echo 'Password sent, server response: '.$pr.'<br>';

$parts=explode(" ", $res);
echo $parts[4].' messages on server<br><br>';

$get=fwrite($fp, $cmd, strlen($cmd));
$msg=fread($fp, 8192);
echo '<pre>'.$msg.'</pre>';

$cmd="RETR 1\r\n";
$get=fwrite($fp, $cmd, strlen($cmd));
$msg=fread($fp, 8192);  //This is only retrieving the first line it seems.  The server 'should' have sent an entire message worth of data.
echo '<pre>'.$msg.'</pre>';
echo 'Failed Connecting!<br>';


and it's output:

Username sent, server response: +OK POP server ready H mius9
Password sent, server response: +OK password required for user "email@stooney.com"
1 messages on server

1 1027

+OK 1027 octets

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  • 1 year later...


I used the same code and put in my username/password but it doesn't seem to be connecting for me, any ideas why this would be the case? I put in some echo's after it tries to send the username and password and both don't seem to send to the server but it says it's connected.


Thanks in advance.

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