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Way to validate an ip?


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Ok, so I have my client's site setup so that if the ip you are showing(whether spoofed or not) doesn't fit proper ip pattern(4 separate numbers either 2 or 3 digits separated by periods), it will redirect you somewhere else. My question is, since anyone can spoof their ip to be any of millions of ips that fit the pattern, is there a way I can check that the ip the user is giving me is a valid ip(that pertains to a valid computer). Because if I did an ip lookup of I'm positive it'd give me no results.


So I'd like a way to check that the ip I am being shown is the real ip for a real computer and not just made up to fit the pattern

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What would be the point of spoofing an ip for an http transaction? For example, if I were able to make a request originating from, let's say,, I'll NEVER get the response. Pointless!


Also, why two or three digits? Surely, some public address out there has single digits in an octet. What are you trying to accomplish with the redirect?



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What would be the point of spoofing an ip for an http transaction? For example, if I were able to make a request originating from, let's say,, I'll NEVER get the response. Pointless!


Also, why two or three digits? Surely, some public address out there has single digits in an octet. What are you trying to accomplish with the redirect?




Why are you asking my why I want to do this? I have my reasons. If you don't have an answer, why even post?


edit: you did have a point with single digits. I adjusted my validator to allow single digits in the ip.

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