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[SOLVED] Average out of 10


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Hi all


Wondering if someone can help.


I have the following query


$sql = "SELECT * FROM `levels`";
$show = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($show))
print $row['levelcode'].'<br>';


which returns a list of level codes, the output at the moment looks like








What I want to do is display next to each code returned, an average score out of 10 compared to the other codes.


I don't 100% know to write the query or even what the result should be, but it would look something like


72 - (2.6)

234 (7.4)

4 (0.4)

7655 (9.9)

43 (1.4)


Of course those numbers are incorrect, hence why I am trying to work out the query to use.


I thought maybe it would be something like



select count(*) as cnt, SUM(levelcode) as sum, (SUM(levelcode)/count(*)) as avg FROM levels;


but that doesnt stick to an average of 10, plus it gives an average for the whole database and not each row individually, plus it gives 4 digits result after the fullstop, such as 27.9375, whereas I need to stick to 1 digit such as 5.4


Could someone please help me work this one out, it's slowly making me dumber :)





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Some accurate sample data would be ideal. It's hard to help you when we don't know what you want.




Source Data



Expected Results

200 (10)
150 (7.5)
90 (4.5)
50 (2.5)
10 (0.5)



The algorithm I'm assuming you're gonna need is something like this


$base = 10;

$ratio = $base / max($values);

foreach ( $values as $value )
   echo $value .' ('. ( $value * $ratio ) .')<br />';

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alternatively, if you're simply looking for the proportion the number represents from the whole (rather than comparing it to the max value), you can do the following:


SELECT levelcode, levelcode/SUM(levelcode) AS fraction FROM levels


to get the fraction of ten it represents, simply multiply that decimal by 10:


while (stuff = stuff)
  echo $stuff['levelcode'].' - '.round($stuff['fraction'] * 10, 2).'<br />';


i have to caution that i don't know whether MySQL will like the use of an aggregate function without a group by, but it's worth a shot.  if MySQL complains, run the levelcode query first and store in an array, then calculate the sum of the array and echo much like disco has suggested.

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SELECT levelcode FROM levels

$levels = array();
while (stuff = stuff)
  $levels[] = $stuff['levelcode'];

$total = array_sum($levels);
foreach ($levels AS $value)
  echo $value.' = '.round($value / $total, 2).'<br />';


give that a whirl.  of course, you'll need to make it syntactically correct.

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Hi all


I tried altering it to


$stuff  "SELECT levelcode FROM levels";
$levels = array();
while ($stuff = $stuff)
  $levels[] = $stuff['levelcode'];

$total = array_sum($levels);
foreach ($levels AS $value)
  echo $value.' = '.round($value / $total, 2).'<br />';


not sure if I did that right, but it doesnt seem to produce any result at all.


Can anyone help?

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Read the while loop condition and tell me if it makes sense. =P  You also never even execute the query.


while ($stuff = $stuff) {


xD  Change it to:


$sql = "SELECT levelcode FROM levels";

$result = mysql_query($sql) OR die(mysql_error());

$levels = array();

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))


  $levels[] = $row['levelcode'];


$total = array_sum($levels);

foreach ($levels AS $value)


  echo $value.' = '.round($value / $total, 2).'<br />';


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My data


mysql> SELECT x FROM numbers;


| x  |


| 20 |

|  2 |

|  8 |

|  4 |

|  5 |

| 21 |

| 25 |



$maxres = mysql_query ("SELECT MAX(x) FROM numbers");
$max = mysql_result ($maxres,0);

$sql = "SELECT x, x*100/$max as pc FROM numbers";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while (list($x, $pc) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
    printf('%d (%0.1f%%)<br/>', $x, $pc);

20 (80.0%)
2 (8.0%)
8 (32.0%)
4 (16.0%)
5 (20.0%)
21 (84.0%)
25 (100.0%)

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