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Help with an array..


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Hi, I am using prestashop to make a site for a client and need some help with an array.. Basically, this array has categories and I want it to get only the subcategories for the page the user is currently on. Here's an example of the array I get:


array(5) {
  string(1) "1"
  string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=1"
  string(4) "Home"
  string(0) ""
  array(4) {
    array(5) {
      string(1) "3"
      string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=3"
      string(11) "Accessories"
      string(35) "Wonderful accessories for your iPod"
      array(1) {
        array(5) {
          string(1) "6"
          string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=6"
          string(11) "Subcategory"
          string(11) "Description"
          array(0) {
    array(5) {
      string(1) "2"
      string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=2"
      string(5) "iPods"
      string(110) "Now that you can buy movies from the iTunes Store and sync them to your iPod, the whole world is your theater."
      array(0) {
    array(5) {
      string(1) "4"
      string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=4"
      string(7) "Laptops"
      string(246) "The latest Intel processor, a bigger hard drive, plenty of memory, and even more new features all fit inside just one liberating inch. The new Mac laptops have the performance, power, and connectivity of a desktop computer. Without the desk part."
      array(0) {
    array(5) {
      string(1) "5"
      string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=5"
      string(13) "Test Category"
      string(0) ""
      array(1) {
        array(5) {
          string(1) "7"
          string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=7"
          string(5) "test2"
          string(0) ""
          array(0) {


So basically, the Home is what everything goes in, so I don't need to worry about that, it's just for the children of home I need to worry about. For example, lets look at the category "Accessories". Accessories is a main category and it's subcategory is "subcategory". Basically what I want to do is, if the user is on the accessories page already, show them the subcategories for accessories. I can get the category id for the page they're already on with $_GET['category_id']; so it's just a matter of getting the right stuff from the array. I hope i've explained this right.


I would really appreciate any help!

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Can't you see from the code I posted?


It is like this:


array(5) {


  string(1) "1"


  string(59) "/clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=1"


  string(4) "Home"

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Oh, I was talking about the whole array that I posted in my very first post. Basically, I just need to go to the array which corresponds to the category in the url (?category_id=x) I need to get to the array which has the id => x in it. Do you understand this?

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Rather than use var_dump to print the array can you post the output of print_r instead, it'll make the array structure more clear to read.

echo '<pre>' . print_r($your_array_var, true) . '</pre>';


Also can you post details of how that array is constructed.

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I'm not 100% on how the array is constructed, it's done by the application. I'm just trying to alter the results. Here's the result of your print_r:


    [id] => 1
    [link] => /clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=1
    [name] => Home
    [desc] => 
    [children] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 3
                    [link] => /clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=3
                    [name] => Accessories
                    [desc] => Wonderful accessories for your iPod
                    [children] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [link] => /clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=6
                                    [name] => Subcategory
                                    [desc] => Description
                                    [children] => Array




            [1] => Array
                    [id] => 2
                    [link] => /clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=2
                    [name] => iPods
                    [desc] => Now that you can buy movies from the iTunes Store and sync them to your iPod, the whole world is your theater.
                    [children] => Array


            [2] => Array
                    [id] => 4
                    [link] => /clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=4
                    [name] => Laptops
                    [desc] => The latest Intel processor, a bigger hard drive, plenty of memory, and even more new features all fit inside just one liberating inch. The new Mac laptops have the performance, power, and connectivity of a desktop computer. Without the desk part.
                    [children] => Array


            [3] => Array
                    [id] => 5
                    [link] => /clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=5
                    [name] => Test Category
                    [desc] => 
                    [children] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 7
                                    [link] => /clients/2008/august/krisskappel/category.php?id_category=7
                                    [name] => test2
                                    [desc] => 
                                    [children] => Array






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You'll have to create a function for this. You'll have to loop through the array and search for the requested id. I have come up with this

function array_multi_search($search, $array)
    $r = null;
    foreach($array as $key => $value)
        if($key == 'id' && $value == $search)
            return $array;
            $r = array_multi_search($search, $value);

                return $r;

    return false;


$result = array_multi_search(3, $arr);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($result, true) . '</pre>';

$result = array_multi_search(7, $arr);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($result, true) . '</pre>';


change $arr to your array variable name.

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Wow, you're a genius! That function worked great, thanks a lot.


Now I just have one more little problem and that's it. I'm not sure if this can be done.. but basically, when a user clicks on a sub-category, they are just assigned another id_category in the url, e.g 7. So when they're in the subcategory, the sidebar on the left will try to show the subcategories for the subcategory, which I don't want it to do. What I want it to do is still show the subcategories for the main categories (main categories are the children to home). Is there a way to do this?

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