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[SOLVED] I had a book once...


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I had a book that covered this but its packed up and buried under a mountain of boxes.


I'm having some problems messing around with dates.


when i try to do something basic to the values PHP returns i lose my leading zero(s).


how do you force/require a string to be a certain length?

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don't use sprintf




will show u all the parameters to return various date items.


I actualy started on the php.net manual but its didn't help me with the problem of losing my formatting when i printed the results.


after i would explode() the date into an array to work with the numbers once i used any math on the values they lost their formatting.


if I'm going to transpose the base date into another value i need to know how to force the length of the string.

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well this is the situation I'm in. I'm messing with functions I'd like to add to, my first, news script.


I either have the date provided by PHP from the date() or i have the date retrieved from the entries in my DB server.


I'd like the ability to post/pre-date news (to be posted) by adding or subtracting from the int date and still have it compatible with the date format of the DB server where it will end up. but when i attempt to script for pre/post any math i do to the value returns a value of a single digit not 2 digits as the DB formatting requires (to my knowledge)


i get 9 where i need 09 [since i did these tests today (08/09/08)]

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well i think i figured out a way, using mkdate() to reformat the date, if i have an idate('Y') to just call the values and manipulate them that way i throw the values back into a date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$curmonth,$curdate,$curyear)) i get the result I'm looking for...




although it still really dosen't answer my question of how to force a string length, how ever mute, =P i remember a tiny piece of the over all code to pull it off it looked something like this




but that's all i remember and i have no idea what that example means...

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