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Forward requests through Apache to another machine


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I have a dynamicdns (I believe that's what its called) service setup through no-ip.com. That way if I am away from my home I can type in x.myfreedomain.org and it will forward the request to my external IP at my house (Its dynamic and so it changes and I don't want to not have a clue what it is when im 500 miles away). I successfully setup a page with Apache to just require a login and show an Index of page. I also have a media streaming program (VibeStreamer) setup and it uses port 8081. This way I can just go to x.myfreedomain.org:8081, login to VibeStreamer and have access to my music. Recently though, I was at a location that blocks port 8081.


I tried disabling apache and trying to bind port 80 to the VibeStreamer machine, and that program will not bind to that port. I suppose its a preventative measure to keep from having conflicts with a webserver.


So I am wondering if there is a way I can forward from the Apache machine (lets say to the VibeStreamer machine (, that way when I try to access VibeStreamer, all the traffic goes through port 80 (running through the apache machine) that way if I am at a location blocking port 8081 I can still access my music.


I hope that all makes enough sense to be understood correctly as I only have a vague idea of what I'm talking about (I'm more of a hardware person) and thank you for any possible help you can provide.

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I believe I found out why I it would not bind to port 80. In addition to Apache running on port 80, I also have a WSUS server setup that is using port 80. However I set VibeStreamer to port 8080 as it should probably be unblocked just about everywhere. I am still interested in running it through Apache though just to see if I can accomplish it. I also posted on the VibeStreamer forum to see if anyone there had done this and there seems to be someone trying to do it. Here is what they said.


Take a look at the apache directive ProxyPass. I'm having some trouble with this myself right now, and so cannot post a complete config. I use this functions a lot on other applications and I have also had it working with Vibe Streamer, when i hosted it on a separate sub-domain.

Earlier sollution, which works:

vibe.domain.com -> ProxyPass:ed to internal address ->

Session cookies gets the vibe.domain.com (relative /)

My current problem:

www.domain.com/vibe -> ProxyPass:ed to internal address ->

Some confusion arises about the cookies and vibe complains. Sad


But if you register another dynamic host for your vibe it is possible to get this working... But subdomains and https, which I want to use, doesn't work so well... Leaving me with few options...


Also note that I have done this only on Linux, but have had friends set this up successfully.


Thoughts on this from the Apache freaks?


I'm pretty sure VibeStreamer supports HTTP as you access it through the web by http://x.myfreedomain.com:vibestreamerport(8080). You then login with a username and password you setup in VibeStreamer and have access to everything.

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The following will forward yourhost:81 to vibehost:8080


LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

ProxyRequests Off

Listen 80
#normal web Port
Listen 81

NameVirtualHost *:81

<VirtualHost *:81>
#you will probably need more config than what I'm going to put here, but I'm lazy
ProxyPass / http://vibehost.com:8080/



There might be a better way to do it, but that would work.  Also, you could always forward a folder to it...


Like to forward yourhost.com/vs to http://vibhost.com:8080/ would be:


LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

ProxyRequests Off

ProxyPass /vs http://vibehost.com:8080

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