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[SOLVED] display zero in sql requete with php


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i have little probleme . i use zend but my probleme is in sql and not in zend


this is my script



sql      ::::                select sum (total) as sum group by week(date,1) order by (date)

<?php foreach($this->calcul as $calcul) : 

echo 'week: ' .$this->escape($calcul->week)


so for example  i have resulu like this


week1: 222
week4 :222

my questio how i add in mysql or with boucle for in php to display 0 in week that i don't have result to be like this

week 1 :222
week 2 :0
wek   3 :0
week 4: 222


thanks for help

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thank you  for answering me


but for example i have table :


date              \    total

2008-01-01      \    2

2008-01-02    \    2

2008-01-15        \  5


so if i put this sql requete

select sum (total) as sum group by week(date,1) order by (date)

  so output will be

week1: 4
week 3  5

even i write this

if (!$calcul->week) {
    echo '0';

i can't display  have week 2 cause i don't have date in week 2 in database

but i have to put week 2 :  0

any idea??

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look this

$test = array(array('week' => 1, 'sum' => 3), array('week' => 3, 'sum' => 5));
$last_week = false;
foreach ($test as $x){
if ($last_week){
	for ($i = $last_week + 1; $i < $x['week']; $i++){
		echo "Week$i : 0<br />\n";
echo "Week".$x['week']." : ".$x['sum']."<br />\n";
$last_week = $x['week'];

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ho sasa again

i test again and i found some problem

$test = array(array('week' => 1, 'sum' => 3),array('week' => 6, 'sum' => 7), array('week' => 3, 'sum' => 5));
$last_week = false;
foreach ($test as $x){
if ($last_week){
	for ($i = $last_week + 1; $i < $x['week']; $i++){
		echo "Week$i : 0<br />\n";
echo "Week".$x['week']." : ".$x['sum']."<br />\n";
$last_week = $x['week'];

so i have output not order :
of couse i know that i can use asort(array)
$test = array(array('week' => 1, 'sum' => 3),array('week' => 1, 'sum' => 3),array('week' => 6, 'sum' => 7), array('week' => 3, 'sum' => 5));

but i hope will work after requete sql

i wil try this and i will tell you[/code][/code]

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yes sasa u have reason 
just to execute in php i have to put this

<?php foreach($this->calcul as $calcul) : 
// take result from sql 
$test= array(array($this->escape($calcul->week)))
$last_week = false;
foreach ($test as $x){
if ($last_week){
	for ($i = $last_week + 1; $i < $x['week']; $i++){
		echo "Week$i : 0<br />\n";
echo "Week".$x['week']." : ".$x['sum']."<br />\n";
$last_week = $x['week'];

end foreach

just i'm afraid that take long time to execute script

juste to explain you why for first for each

i use zend and MVC MODEL

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yes sasa u have reason 
just to execute in php i have to put this

<?php foreach($this->calcul as $calcul) : 
// take result from sql 
$test= array(array($this->escape($calcul->week)))
$last_week = false;
foreach ($test as $x){
if ($last_week){
	for ($i = $last_week + 1; $i < $x['week']; $i++){
		echo "Week$i : 0<br />\n";
echo "Week".$x['week']." : ".$x['sum']."<br />\n";
$last_week = $x['week'];

end foreach

just i'm afraid that take long time to execute script

juste to explain you why for first for each

i use zend and MVC MODEL


That runs slowly?  Well, why are all those random arrays created anyway? o-O


P.S: Are you a French speaker?  Just curious.  Because I know that to tell someone that they're right, it's "Tu as raison", and you said "you have reason", which is a direct translation.

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hi again sasa and sorry if i take a long time to answer . because a work in other problem (calculate difference between 2 dates but group by week)cause different between 2 dates a know  . and until this moment i did'nt found solution


so to explain you why i use :


i use Zend so in principal class that extend from zend_table ans so i create  in this class function sql

like in my example

select sum (total) as sum group by week(date,1) order by (date

of course i put just example not entire class or function


and in ZEND  we call this function to display with escape

so i to diplay column week i had to put this




hope that u unterstand

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<?php foreach($this->calcul as $calcul) : 
// take result from sql 
//$test= array(array($this->escape($calcul->week)))
$last_week = false;
foreach ($test as $x){
if ($last_week){
	for ($i = $last_week + 1; $i < $calcul->week; $i++){
		echo "Week$i : 0<br />\n";
echo "Week".$this->escape($calcul->week)." : ".$this->escape($calcul->total)."<br />\n";
$last_week = $calcul->week;

end foreach

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hi sasa and thanks for help

i'm sorry to reply so late but i was busy

so i tried your last replay and i have error for variable $test

so i decide to use array_push and little  change in for each

so the script is like this

<?php foreach($this->calcul as $calcul) : 
$tab = array();
array_push($tab,array('week' =>$this->escape($calcul->week), 'sum'=>$this->escape($calcul->total)

and u use after this

$week = 0;
foreach ($tab  as $x)

for ($i = $week ; $i < $calcul->week;$i++)
echo week:$i : 0;
echo "Week".$this->escape($calcul->week)." : ".$this->escape($calcul->total)."<br />\n";
$last_week = $calcul->week;

so i change (for )from

for ($i = $week + 1; $i < $calcul->week; $i++){


for ($i = $week ; $i < $calcul->week;$i++)


because for example if my array start in week 2 i display week 1 as zero and not start output from first week in arrau

and i use array_push to use after array_sum to have total without written other sql requete


and That's  runs fast so i no probleme for time to excecute this script ;)

thank you sasa for help :D

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