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hey guys,


I have a script where users can add/remove clients, my problem is that when a person clicks on delete, the page refreshes, the row gets deleted from the db but it still shows that client in the html table, the info will disappear only after a page refresh.


I'm pretty sure it's a cache problem but I have no idea how to fix this..


any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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I doubt its a cache problem. What i can think is that your update code is procedurally below the fetch code. Smth like this:


query the db and show info


delete handler


where it should be


delete handler


query the db and show info


That way u update the db and then show the information. Hope this helped.

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hmm I see what you mean, makes perfect sense.


here's what I've been doing


$sql_clients = "SELECT * FROM client";
$result = mysql_query($sql_clients);
$clients_count = mysql_num_rows($result);

if( isset($_GET['a'])  && isset($_GET['id']))
        $action = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['a']));

        if ( $action == "del" )
       $cid = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']));
       $sql_delete = "DELETE FROM client WHERE client_id = '$cid'";
       $delete_result = mysql_query($sql_delete);
       $sql_delete2 = "DELETE FROM client_address WHERE client_id = '$cid'";
       $delete_result2 = mysql_query($sql_delete2);


so I guess I should just switch them around instead.



works perfectly, thanks!

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