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[SOLVED] Method behind "Featured" content?


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I've noticed that certain sites such as newgrounds, and have a main page with "featured" content.


Obviously there is some method of determing whether it should be featured, let's say for example, it gets 20000 views within an hour, and that warents a "featured" spot on the main page.


Has anyone seen this in action, that can explain to me the logic behind this?


I can only think of 2 sites right now.






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Ya I assumed it was based on rating or another trivial aspect, but it has to be a little more precise than just the highest rating.


i.e - A new submission, first vote = 10, bam, it's featured. It has to be based on a timed system (if x >= 5.0 after 20 minutes) , or a weighted average.


I'm looking for sophistication, to clarify my original point.


I suppose it could be a mixture of many things, the # of views that day, the average rating, because I've observed it isn't just the highest rating that is placing content in the featured list.


It is updated daily as well.



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It's basically X amount of days + rating=Global rating.


I'm a little confused as to why you continually post this one-sided solution.


I'm refering specifically to the 2 websites I mentioned above (newgrounds, ...) If you take a look around you'll notice that the featured sections aren't simply based on the formula you've given.


Some contain flash videos with a score of 3.98 with many comments, or views, but there are plenty of other vidoes with ratings of 4.22 that are not featured. Leading me to believe it's based on many different factors.


If it were based on your formula it may as well be called the "highest rating" section.


I also suppose that once a selection makes the "featured" section it remains there for 2-3 days *shrug* before it times out, and a new selection takes its place.


But it's possible I'm dense, and if that is the case, I'm going to need a more in-depth analysis, because I franky still don't understand. I just think that it's a little more intricate than (X days + rating = global rating)





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there is no specific method behind featured content .. to try and pinpoint one method behind why it is cannot be accomplished.


for example, i have created many different "Featured Content" functions .. one being based on a voting system, one being when people donate money, one being when people pay to add their product .. and there are many other ways to use Featured Content apps.


to be honest, i'm not 100% what it is you're looking for?  are you asking for the reasoning behind the featured content pertaining to those specified site in particular?

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In a very indirect way yes.  ::) But I'm just looking for the general idea behind the concept, and your post helps me a little bit.


I think I'm going to try it figure it out on my own, skulk around, observe a little more and reach a viable conclusion.


Thanks guys.

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