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save to file dont work


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can someone tel me why this script work on my local machine, and dont work on server (internet)... :(




mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "password");

$dump = new MySQLDump();
$myString = $dump->dumpDatabase("database");

$content_len = count($myString);
$filename = date("Ymd")."_npn_dBase";
$output_file = $filename . ".sql";
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $output_file);
header("Content-Type: text/html");
header('Content-Length: ' . $content_len);
//echo $myString;



this is the class



class MySQLDump {

 * Dump data and structure from MySQL database
 * @param string $database
 * @return string
function dumpDatabase($database) {

	// Set content-type and charset
	header ('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');

	// Connect to database
	$db = @mysql_select_db($database);

	if (!empty($db)) {

		// Get all table names from database
		$c = 0;
		$result = mysql_list_tables($database);
		for($x = 0; $x < mysql_num_rows($result); $x++) {
			$table = mysql_tablename($result, $x);
			if (!empty($table)) {
				$arr_tables[$c] = mysql_tablename($result, $x);

		// List tables
		$dump = '';
		for ($y = 0; $y < count($arr_tables); $y++){

			// DB Table name
			$table = $arr_tables[$y];

			// Structure Header
			$structure .= "-- \n";
			$structure .= "-- Table structure for table `{$table}` \n";
			$structure .= "-- \n\n";

			// Dump Structure
			$structure .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`; \n";
			$structure .= "CREATE TABLE `{$table}` (\n";
			$result = mysql_db_query($database, "SHOW FIELDS FROM `{$table}`");
			while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {

				$structure .= "  `{$row->Field}` {$row->Type}";
				$structure .= (!empty($row->Default)) ? " DEFAULT '{$row->Default}'" : false;
				$structure .= ($row->Null != "YES") ? " NOT NULL" : false;
				$structure .= (!empty($row->Extra)) ? " {$row->Extra}" : false;
				$structure .= ",\n";


			$structure = ereg_replace(",\n$", "", $structure);

			// Save all Column Indexes in array
			$result = mysql_db_query($database, "SHOW KEYS FROM `{$table}`");
			while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {

				if (($row->Key_name == 'PRIMARY') AND ($row->Index_type == 'BTREE')) {
					$index['PRIMARY'][$row->Key_name] = $row->Column_name;

				if (($row->Key_name != 'PRIMARY') AND ($row->Non_unique == '0') AND ($row->Index_type == 'BTREE')) {
					$index['UNIQUE'][$row->Key_name] = $row->Column_name;

				if (($row->Key_name != 'PRIMARY') AND ($row->Non_unique == '1') AND ($row->Index_type == 'BTREE')) {
					$index['INDEX'][$row->Key_name] = $row->Column_name;

				if (($row->Key_name != 'PRIMARY') AND ($row->Non_unique == '1') AND ($row->Index_type == 'FULLTEXT')) {
					$index['FULLTEXT'][$row->Key_name] = $row->Column_name;


			// Return all Column Indexes of array
			if (is_array($index)) {
				foreach ($index as $xy => $columns) {

					$structure .= ",\n";

					$c = 0;
					foreach ($columns as $column_key => $column_name) {


						$structure .= ($xy == "PRIMARY") ? "  PRIMARY KEY  (`{$column_name}`)" : false;
						$structure .= ($xy == "UNIQUE") ? "  UNIQUE KEY `{$column_key}` (`{$column_name}`)" : false;
						$structure .= ($xy == "INDEX") ? "  KEY `{$column_key}` (`{$column_name}`)" : false;
						$structure .= ($xy == "FULLTEXT") ? "  FULLTEXT `{$column_key}` (`{$column_name}`)" : false;

						$structure .= ($c < (count($index[$xy]))) ? ",\n" : false;




			$structure .= "\n);\n\n";

			// Header
			$structure .= "-- \n";
			$structure .= "-- Dumping data for table `$table` \n";
			$structure .= "-- \n\n";

			// Dump data
			$result     = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$table`");
			$num_rows   = mysql_num_rows($result);
			$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);

			for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {

				$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
				$data .= "INSERT INTO `$table` (";

				// Field names
				for ($x = 0; $x < $num_fields; $x++) {

					$field_name = mysql_field_name($result, $x);

					$data .= "`{$field_name}`";
					$data .= ($x < ($num_fields - 1)) ? ", " : false;


				$data .= ") VALUES (";

				// Values
				for ($x = 0; $x < $num_fields; $x++) {
					$field_name = mysql_field_name($result, $x);

					$data .= "'" . str_replace('\"', '"', mysql_escape_string($row->$field_name)) . "'";
					$data .= ($x < ($num_fields - 1)) ? ", " : false;


				$data.= ");\n";

			$data.= "\n";

			$dump .= $structure . $data;
			$dump .= "-- --------------------------------------------------------\n\n";


		return $dump;





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Your code has little to no error checking, no error reporting (it in fact is suppressing errors at one point using an @), no error logging (optional for learning type applications, required for real life applications), and no error recovery logic.


Any of your php function calls could be failing and your code blindly continues execution. You need to read the function definitions in the php manual and add appropriate error checking logic to find out at what is working and what is failing.


Short answer - your code has no logic in it to tell you why it is not working and we can't tell you exactly why it is failing either.


You can add the following two lines immediately after your first opening <?php tag to get any php produced errors to be displayed -


ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

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