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I have downloaded and installed the Orca 1.1 AJAX forum script but it had a few errors, I have fixed a couple but am stuck at this one...


Fatal error: Class 'XsltProcessor' not found in /usr/home/mafiaworld/domains/mafia-world.net/public_html/hooligan/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 91


		if (((int)phpversion()) >= 5)		
			$xml = new DOMDocument();

			$xsl = new DomDocument();

			$proc = new XsltProcessor(); /// line 91
			$res = $proc->transformToXML($xml);


I have echoed the PHP version as an integer to check and it came up as 5, any help apperciated... =P

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NVM lol


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Sander  Moderator - Web Development  Member since: 4/19/2002  From: Den Bosch, Netherlands



Posted - 10/31/2005 1:36:42 AM

I think I got it.


libxlst needs to be installed on your server (ask your admin) and it needs to be enabled in the PHP configuration. Create a file with only the phpinfo() command and see if the --with-xsl configuration directive is set. If not, then the XLST processor is not available. Bug your admin to enable it.

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