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I have found this very handy for backgrounds but I am trying to use it on column ordering and it doesn't work. For example...


$sort = (isset($_GET['sort'])) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'pid';

switch ($sort) {
case 'un':
$order_by = ($order_by=="predictions.username ASC" ? 'predictions.username DESC' : 'predictions.username ASC');


and then..


SELECT...... FROM ..... fixtures.id ORDER BY $order_by


and finally


<td width="27%"><a href="admin.php?sort=un"><u>Username</u></a></td> 

Is it to do with me refreshing the page? Maybe I need a global or session variable?


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Yes, when your page refreshes, you lose the value of your $order_by variable. I wold recommend something like this to pass both the sort column and the order by:

$sort = isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'un'; // default to whatever column
$ord  = isset($_GET['ord']) && in_array($_GET['ord'], array('ASC', 'DESC')) ? $_GET['ord'] : 'ASC';

switch ($sort)
  case 'un':
    $col = 'predictions.username';

$q = "SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY $col $ord";


Hope that helps.


I'm not sure of the question? I have a question though. If you're doing a switch and you've already met your scenario, how come you're doing another if/else statement within the result?


Not sure I get you? I know that the ternary operator is like an if statement if that is what you mean. The question is, I would like the $order_by varaible to alternate between ASC and DESC. There is probably a much quicker route than using a switch statment but I started this way and am trying to get it to work. Any suggestions would be great.

Thank you for your help. In the end I went for...


$sort = (isset($_GET['sort'])) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'id';

switch ($sort) {
case 'id':
$order_by = ($_SESSION['$orderby'] =="predictions.id ASC" ? 'predictions.id DESC' : 'predictions.id ASC');
case 'un':
$order_by = ($_SESSION['$orderby'] =="predictions.username ASC" ? 'predictions.username DESC' : 'predictions.username ASC');

$_SESSION['$orderby'] = $order_by; 


Whether that is correct or the quickets way, I don't know. BUt it seems to work :-)


Thanks for you help.


Whether that is correct or the quickets way, I don't know. BUt it seems to work :-)


Out of curiosity, did you see my previous post? Sessions is not a horrible way to go, but I didn't see any reference to my code, so I wasn't sure if you saw it at all.



Whether that is correct or the quickets way, I don't know. BUt it seems to work :-)


Out of curiosity, did you see my previous post? Sessions is not a horrible way to go, but I didn't see any reference to my code, so I wasn't sure if you saw it at all.


Hi, I used a session variable with the new code.



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