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Problem passing data from php to mySql database - help!


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I need help trying to figure out why my pulldown menu is not behaving correctly. Currently it appears, and you can select the 'rating' you want to give to a selected post and submit. However the value selected does not save to/pass on to the database  :( I've attached the snippet of code - everything to this point is working fine. I don't know why this isn't working. I've gone over it again and again and it should work i think... Help :'(


Also, I'm a newb so am i describing this correctly? Is this data a 'value' or a 'variable' ?



	<td valign="top" align="right"><p><b>RATING:</b></p></td>
		<SELECT name="RATING">
		FOREACH ($boardRating as $thisLevel) {
		echo "<option value='$i'";
		if ($record["rating"] == $i) { echo " selected"; }
		echo ">$thisLevel</option>\n";
		} // end FOREACH


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I presume that you are submitting this via a form, and that you are using POST as your transport method.


On the page that you submit to you can use: $_POST['RATING'] (or $_GET['RATING'] if using the get method) to retrieve the posted variable. You can also use something like:



echo '<pre>';
print_r($_POST); // Or $_GET
echo '</pre>';



To view all of your post data that is being submitted to your processing script.


Hope this helps you debug the issue.



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Hello Paul,
 I don't understand what your saying. I'm not using any forms (I did a search for 'forms' to make sure of this. I almost never use forms - i use text areas. Forms just confuse me  :'(  Base on what your saying, should i write my php to be as so?

	<td valign="top" align="right"><p><b>RATING:</b></p></td>
		<SELECT name="RATING">
		FOREACH ($boardRating as $thisLevel) {
		echo "<option value='$i'";
		if ($record["rating"] == $i) { echo " selected"; }
		echo '<pre>';
                       print_r($_POST); // Or $_GET
                       echo '</pre>';

When I do this I get the following error 'Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/content/z/a/n/zanland/html/xpg/messages/post1.php on line 854'

Yes? No?



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What does this mean?

However the value selected does not save to/pass on to the database


Hi Neil.Johnson,

  When I write that 'the value selected does not save to/pass on to the database' I mean that if select a rating from the pulldown menu, the value selected (lets say 2 or 4 stars), the value stays selected, and when you click submit, everything appears to submit and everything is good. But if you look in the database, the information (2 of 4 stars) is not there. If you go back to the page you were on via the 'edit' tool, the pulldown is clear (no stars). So the data, the value (2 of 4 stars) has defaulted to zero/no stars once more :(


Any help is appreciated


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In order to submit any user input (e.g. textarea / select / input) you need to wrap your fields in a form. Below is a basic example which should allow you to see what is going on - the page simple submits to itself for now, but should get you going:



$options = array(
1 => 'Bad', 
2 => 'Poor', 
3 => 'Average', 
4 => 'Good', 
5 => 'Excellent' 

echo 'You clicked save! and chose '.$options[$_POST['rating']].'<br /><br />';

echo 'The posted data looks like this:</br />';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';


<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">

<select name="rating">
foreach($options as $key => $value)
	echo '<option value="'.$key.'"';
		if((isset($_POST['rating']) AND $_POST['rating'] == $key) OR (!isset($_POST['rating']) AND $key == 3))
			echo ' selected="selected"';
	echo '>'.$value.'</option>';

<input type="submit" name="rateme" value="Save" />


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Weird Blinky101,

  I did not know this -- and I have lots of pull downs, i have three different pull downs on the page i'm working on and the other two are working fine and they don't use forms (at least I don't think they do.)


I've included the full code below so you can peak and see - no forms (at least I don't think i'm using any forms - I'm a newb so i kind of piece and patch junk together and i so so so readily admit that i don't know the first thing about anything ;)



$notifyTest = array();

include ("../functions.php");

$timeoptions=array("Pre-dawn", "Early Morning", "Morning", "Midday", "Early Afternoon", "Afternoon", "Early Evening", "Evening", "Late Night");

approveVars(array("submit", "id", "thread", "continuedfrom", "deletethread"));


$fields = array("subject", "content", "charid", "summary", "previously", "rating", "thread", "thread2", "action", "notification", "ooc", "featuring", "tags", "timeofday", "location", "oocbox", "gamedate", "userid", "continuedfrom", "storyteller", "approved");
$patterns = array ("/([^\n\r\f])[\n\r\f]+([^\n\r\f])/");
$replace = array ("\\1\n\\2");

FOREACH ($fields as $thisField) {
$post[$thisField] = "";
$THISFIELD = strtoupper($thisField);

if (isset($_POST[$THISFIELD])) { ${$THISFIELD} = trim($_POST[$THISFIELD]);

${$THISFIELD} = preg_replace ($patterns, $replace, ${$THISFIELD});
${$THISFIELD} = preg_replace ("/\\'/", "'", ${$THISFIELD});

if ($THISFIELD == "CONTENT") { ${$THISFIELD} = preg_replace("/<+([Tt]ag[^<>\n]+)>+/","[$1]",${$THISFIELD}); }

$patterns2 = array ("/<+[^<>\n]+>+/");
$replace2 = array ("");
${$THISFIELD} = preg_replace($patterns2,$replace2,${$THISFIELD});
} // end if stripping tags from non-blob areas.

$older = ${$THISFIELD}; ${$THISFIELD} = preg_replace("/<+[^<>][^<>][^<>]+>+/","",$older);
$older = ${$THISFIELD}; ${$THISFIELD} = preg_replace("/<+\/*[ou]*l[i]*>+/","", $older);

if ($older != ${$THISFIELD}) { $errorText = "You may only use simple HTML tags such as <b>, <i>, <u>, etc, and only in the "Message", "Previously", "Summary" and "OOC" fields. Longer tags have been stripped out of your post. Please check the message and resubmit.\n\n<!-- $older -->\n<!-- " . ${$THISFIELD} . " -->"; }

} else { ${$THISFIELD} = ""; }

} // end foreach

if (!$thread && $THREAD) { $thread=$THREAD; }


// THE DEFAULT DATE SHOULD BE September 16, 2004
// the real date for that is Sunday, February 13, 2005

// to get the default date: CURRENT NUMBER OF DAYS

$gamedateFile = "$basefile/gamedate/gamedate.txt";
$tempy = file($gamedateFile);
$gameDate = trim($tempy[0]);
$realDate = trim($tempy[1]);

$sql  = "DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') as currentTime, FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS('$gameDate') + FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS('$realDate')) /14)) as defaultdate, (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS('$realDate'))/14 - FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS('$realDate'))/14) as gameremainder";

if (!$id && $thread) {
$sql = "SELECT subject, charid, storyteller, featuring, rating, timeofday, gamedate, location, summary, thread, notification," . $sql  . " FROM board WHERE thread=$thread AND approved!='' ORDER BY dateadded DESC LIMIT 1";
} else if ($id) {
$sql = "SELECT *, " . $sql  . " FROM board WHERE id=$id";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT " . $sql;
} // end if ID and THREAD

// echo "<!-- SQL: $sql -->\n";

$post = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); 

if (isset($post["thread"])) {
if ($post["thread"]) { $locked=threadLocked($post["thread"]); }
} // end if thread to check for locked-ness

$patterns = array ("/<\/*p>/","/[\r\f\n]+/");
$replace = array ("\n","\n\n");
$post = preg_replace($patterns,$replace,$post);
$currentTime = $post["currentTime"];
$defaultdate = $post["defaultdate"];

$post["defaulttime"] = floor($post["gameremainder"] * 9);

$defaulttime = $timeoptions[$post["defaulttime"]];

// echo "<!-- Game Remainder: $post[gameremainder] -->\n";
// echo "<!-- Default Time: $post[defaulttime] -->\n";
// echo "<!-- Default Time: $defaulttime -->\n";

FOREACH ($fields as $thisField) {
if (isset($post[$thisField])) { ${$thisField} = trim($post[$thisField]); } else { ${$thisField} = "";

// echo "<!-- Line 82 \$thread? $thread -->\n";

if ($thisField != "content" && $thisField != "summary" && $thisField != "previously" && $thisField != "ooc") {
${$thisField} = htmlspecialchars(${$thisField});
} // end if swapping quotes

} // end if set

} // end foreach

if ($submit && ($OOCBOX == "true" || (!$CHARID && !$STORYTELLER))) {
if (!$OOC && $CONTENT) { $OOC = $CONTENT; }
$CONTENT = "";
$CHARID = "";
$TIMEOFDAY = $timeofday;
} // end

if (!$continuedfrom && isset($_REQUEST["continuedfrom"])) { $continuedfrom = $_REQUEST["continuedfrom"]; }

} // end if storyteller


if ($submit) {

echo "<!-- Already approved? " . $post["approved"] . " -->\n";
echo "<!-- APPROVING? " . $APPROVED . " -->\n";
// die;

if ($ACTION == "approved" AND !$post["approved"]) { $modDate = "NOW()"; } else { $modDate = "dateadded"; }

if (!$GAMEDATE) { $GAMEDATE = $defaultdate; }

//realtime - 56 days = gametime;
// NOW() - 732006 / 14 - 56 = Gametime.

} else if (!preg_match("/$CODENAME/", $FEATURING)) { $FEATURING .= ", $CODENAME"; }
} // end if they didn't include themselves in "featuring"

$continueTest = readDatabase("SELECT thread FROM board WHERE id=$CONTINUEDFROM LIMIT 1");
if ($continueTest["thread"] == $THREAD) { $CONTINUEDFROM=""; }
} // end if continued from

$FEATURING = preg_replace("/, *,/",",",$FEATURING);
$FEATURING = preg_replace("/^,/","",$FEATURING);
$FEATURING = preg_replace("/,$/","",$FEATURING);

if ($THREAD2 && $THREAD2 != $THREAD) { $THREAD = $THREAD2; }

if (!$id) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO board (userid,
dateadded, lastmodified,
approved) VALUES (\"$login\",
} else {
if (!$THREAD) { $THREAD = $id; }
$sql = "UPDATE board SET charid=\"$CHARID\", 
dateadded=$modDate WHERE id=$id";
} // end if ID

if (!$SUBJECT) { $errorText="You have not entered a Subject line for this message. Please submit the form again after making changes."; }


if (threadLocked($CONTINUEDFROM)) { $errorText= "You cannot branch off from that thread, because it is locked."; }

if (!$OOCBOX) {
if (!$CONTENT) { $errorText = "You cannot submit an empty message. Please submit the form again after making changes."; }
if ($CHARID=='---') { $errorText = "You must choose a main character from the list. Please submit the form again after making changes."; }
if (!$FEATURING && $CHARID) { $errorText = "You must specify the characters this post features. Please submit the form again after making changes."; }
} else {
if (!$OOC) { $errorText = "You cannot submit an empty message. Please submit the form again after making changes."; }
} // end if not OOC-only

if ($ACTION == "delete") { $sql = "DELETE from board WHERE id=$id"; $errorText=""; $jumpto="/messages.php"; }
if ($ACTION == "deletethread") { $sql = "DELETE from board WHERE thread=$id OR id=$id"; $errorText=""; $jumpto="/messages.php"; }

if (!$errorText) {

if ($id) {
if ($ACTION=="locked") { $lockThread = mysql_query("UPDATE board set approved='locked' WHERE id=$THREAD LIMIT 1"); $ACTION = "approved"; }
// echo "<!-- LOCKED:  UPDATE board set approved='locked' WHERE id=$THREAD LIMIT 1  -->\n";
if ($ACTION=="approved") { $lockThread = mysql_query("UPDATE board set approved='approved' WHERE id=$THREAD LIMIT 1"); $ACTION = "approved"; }
// echo "<!-- UNLOCKED:  UPDATE board set approved='approved' WHERE id=$THREAD LIMIT 1 -->\n";
} // end if id

$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (mysql_errno()) { errorPage("MYSQL Error #" . mysql_errno() . " when updating Cerebra: <b>" . mysql_error() . "</b>. Please check with the system administrator and inform her/him of the error.<br><br><span class='fineprint'>$sql</span>"); die; }

if (!$id) { $notifyThis='true'; $id = mysql_insert_id(); }
if (!$THREAD) { $sql = "UPDATE board SET thread=$id WHERE id=\"$id\""; $result2 = mysql_query($sql); $THREAD=$id; }

if ($notifyThis) { notify($THREAD); }

if ($ACTION != "delete" && $ACTION != "deletethread") { $jumpto = "/messages/display.php?id=$id"; }

header ("Location: $jumpto");

} // end if no error text

} // end if SUBMITTED

echo "<!-- Main SQL: $sql -->\n\n";

echo "<!-- ID: $id -->\n";
echo "<!-- Thread: $thread -->\n";
echo "<!-- Login: $login -->\n";

if ($errorText) {
FOREACH ($fields as $thisField) {
$THISFIELD = strtoupper($thisField);
if ((!preg_match("/which character/",$errorText) && $thisField=="charid") || $thisField != "charid" ) { ${$thisField} = ${$THISFIELD}; }
} // end foreach
} // end if error text

FOREACH ($fields as $thisField) {
if ($thisField != "content" && $thisField != "summary" && $thisField != "previously" && $thisField != "ooc") {
${$thisField} = preg_replace("/\"/",""",${$thisField});
} // end if swapping quotes
} // end foreach


echo "<!-- 190 - Thread: $thread -->\n\n";

$bodyScript = "onLoad = \"setButtonText()\"";
include ("../header.php");
// include ("/Library/WebServer/Documents/sphpell/spellcheckpageinc.php");

echo "<!-- 195 - Thread: $thread -->\n\n";

<SCRIPT language="javascript">

function makeOOC(force) {

if (force=='force') { window.document.postMessage.OOCBOX.checked = true; }

if (window.document.postMessage.OOCBOX.checked == true) {
if (!window.document.postMessage.OOC.value && window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.value != '== DISABLED ==') { window.document.postMessage.OOC.value = window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.value; }

window.document.postMessage.CHARID.disabled = true;
window.document.postMessage.RATING.disabled = true;
window.document.postMessage.FEATURING.readonly = true;
window.document.postMessage.TIMEOFDAY.disabled = true;
window.document.postMessage.GAMEDATE.readonly = true;
window.document.postMessage.LOCATION.readonly = true;
window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.readonly = true;

window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.value = "== DISABLED ==";

window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.style.color = String ('#333333');

window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.style.background = String ('#888888');
window.document.postMessage.FEATURING.style.background = String ('#888888');
window.document.postMessage.LOCATION.style.background = String ('#888888');
window.document.postMessage.GAMEDATE.style.background = String ('#888888');

} else { 
window.document.postMessage.CHARID.disabled = false;
window.document.postMessage.FEATURING.readonly = false;
window.document.postMessage.TIMEOFDAY.disabled = false;
window.document.postMessage.GAMEDATE.readonly = false;
window.document.postMessage.LOCATION.readonly = false;
window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.readonly = false;

window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.value = window.document.postMessage.OOC.value;

window.document.postMessage.OOC.value = "";

window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.style.color = String ('#000000');

window.document.postMessage.CONTENT.style.background = String ('#FFFFFF');
window.document.postMessage.FEATURING.style.background = String ('#FFFFFF');
window.document.postMessage.LOCATION.style.background = String ('#FFFFFF');
window.document.postMessage.GAMEDATE.style.background = String ('#FFFFFF');



function postWarning() {

var postCheck = false;


if (!$id) {

$threadCheck = mysql_query("SELECT thread from board WHERE userid=$login AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 HOUR)) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateadded) GROUP BY thread");

// it's within a day and within 2 hours.

WHILE ($checker = mysql_fetch_assoc($threadCheck)) {
echo "if (window.document.postMessage.THREAD.value == " . $checker["thread"] . ") {\n";
echo "postCheck = true;\n";
echo "}\n";
} // end WHILE

} // end if ID

if (postCheck==true) {
window.document.postMessage.submit.value = 'Submit ANYWAY';
alert("You have posted to the selected thread within the past four hours. Only submit this new post if you're sure you've given tagged players time to respond.");
window.document.getElementById('threadCheck').innerHTML="<font color='red'>You have posted to this thread in the last four hours.</font>";
} else {
window.document.postMessage.submit.value = 'Submit';
window.document.getElementById('threadCheck').innerHTML="Click to continue...";


function setButtonText() {
if (window.document.postMessage.action3.checked == true) { window.document.postMessage.submit.value = 'DELETE Post';
} else if (window.document.postMessage.action4.checked == true) { window.document.postMessage.submit.value = 'DELETE ENTIRE THREAD';
  } else { window.document.postMessage.submit.value = '<?php
if ($id) { $buttonText = "Edit Post"; } else { $buttonText = "Add Post"; }
echo $buttonText; ?>';



<SCRIPT language="javascript">
//  Live Word Count Script - added May 2nd -->

function wordCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
for (x=0;x<field.value.length;x++) {
      if (field.value.charAt(x) == " " && field.value.charAt(x-1) != " ")  {wordcounter++}  // Counts the spaces while ignoring double spaces, usually one in between each word.
      if (wordcounter > 9999) {field.value = field.value.substring(0, x);}
      else {countfield.value = maxlimit - wordcounter;}

function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
  if (field.value.length > maxlimit)
      {field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);}
      {countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;}
//  End -->

<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="95%">
<form name="postMessage" action="/messages/post.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<tr><td colspan="2">
<h1><font color="#A5B9D5">

if (!$id) { echo "Post New Message"; } else { echo "Edit Message"; }

<p>Please allow at least 2 hours for tagged players to respond to your posts before posting to the same thread again. 

if ($thread) { echo "<a href=\"javascript:openimage('thread.php?hideHeaders=true&thread=$thread',400,500,1)\"
>Review this thread in a new window.</a>"; }

echo "</p></center>\n";

if ($errorText) { echo "<p><font color='red'>$errorText</font> <a href='/messages.php'>Click here to cancel and return to the Messages area.</a></p>\n"; }					

<td colspan="2" valign="middle" height="20" align="center">
<hr color="#050F1D" size="5">

<td align="right"><p><b>POST AS:</b></p></td>

if (!$moderator && $storyteller) {
echo "<p>$storyteller<input type='hidden' name='STORYTELLER' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($storyteller) . "\"></p>";
} else {

echo "<select name=\"CHARID\">\n";

echo "<option value=''> -- Select character -- </option>\n";

if (!$id) { $charid = 0; }

echo "<!-- 243 - Thread: $thread -->\n\n";
$selecty = false;

$sql = "SELECT id,codename,name,player from cerebra WHERE player=$login AND approved='true' ORDER BY codename";
$charResult = mysql_query($sql);

echo "\n\n<!-- FIND CHARS: $sql -->\n\n";

$usedCharacters = array() ;

if (mysql_num_rows($charResult)) {

echo "<optgroup label='My Characters'>\n";

WHILE ($character = mysql_fetch_assoc($charResult)) {
echo "<option value='" . $character["id"] . "'";

if ($character["id"] == $charid || (!$charid && $pref["primarychar"] == $character["id"] && !$storyteller)) { echo " selected"; $selecty = true; }

$usedCharacters[] = $character["id"];
echo ">";

echo strtoupper($character["codename"]);
if ($character["name"]) { echo " (" . $character["name"] . ")"; }
echo "</option>\n";
} // end WHILE

echo "</optgroup>\n";
} // end if any characters to post as

// recently used characters

if (count($usedCharacters)) { $char_criteria = "AND (charid !=" . implode(") AND (charid!=", $usedCharacters) . ")"; }

$sql = "SELECT charid, cerebra.id, codename, cerebra.name FROM board LEFT JOIN cerebra ON cerebra.id = charid WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(dateadded) < 14 AND charid > 0 $char_criteria AND board.userid=$login GROUP BY charid ORDER BY codename";
$charResult = mysql_query($sql);

if (mysql_num_rows($charResult)) {

echo "<optgroup label='Recent Characters'>\n";

WHILE ($character = mysql_fetch_assoc($charResult)) {

if (!in_array($character["id"], $usedCharacters)) {

echo "<option value='" . $character["id"] . "'";

if ($character["id"] == $charid || (!$charid && $pref["primarychar"] == $character["id"] && !$storyteller)) { echo " selected"; $selecty = true; }

echo ">";

echo strtoupper($character["codename"]);
if ($character["name"]) { echo " (" . $character["name"] . ")"; }
echo "</option>\n";
} // end if not already placed
} // end WHILE

echo "</optgroup>\n";
} // end if any characters to post as

$sql = "SELECT id,npc,codename,name,player from cerebra WHERE (npc=$login OR npc='general' OR npc='modonly') AND approved='true' ORDER BY codename";
$charResult = mysql_query($sql);

echo "\n\n<!-- FIND NPCs: $sql -->\n\n";

if (mysql_num_rows($charResult)) {

echo "<optgroup label='NPCs'>\n";

WHILE ($character = mysql_fetch_assoc($charResult)) {
if ($character["npc"] != "modonly" || $moderator) {
echo "<option value='" . $character["id"] . "'";
if ($character["id"] == $charid) { echo " selected"; $selecty=true; }
echo ">";

echo strtoupper($character["codename"]);
if ($character["name"]) { echo " (" . $character["name"] . ")"; }
echo "</option>\n";
} // end if modonly
} // end WHILE

echo "</optgroup>\n";

} // end if num rows

echo "<!-- 365 - Thread: $thread -->\n\n";

if ($moderator) { 
echo "<optgroup label='PCs'>\n";

$sql = "SELECT id,codename,name,player from cerebra WHERE approved='true' AND npc = '' OR npc IS NULL ORDER BY codename";
$charResult = mysql_query($sql);

WHILE ($character = mysql_fetch_assoc($charResult)) {
echo "<option value='" . $character["id"] . "'";

if ($character["id"] == $charid) { echo " selected"; $selecty=true; }

echo ">";

echo strtoupper($character["codename"]);
if ($character["name"]) { echo " (" . $character["name"] . ")"; }
echo "</option>\n";
} // end WHILE

echo "</optgroup>\n";

} // end if moderator

if (!$selecty && $charid) {

echo "<optgroup label='Current Selection'>\n";
echo "<option value='$charid' selected>" . strtoupper(htmlspecialchars(getChar($charid)));
if (getRealName($charid) != "(Unrevealed)") { echo " (" . htmlspecialchars(getRealName($charid)) . ")"; }
echo "</option>\n";
echo "</optgroup>\n";

} // end if not already listed

echo "</select>";

} // end if not moderator and it's a storyteller post

echo "</td></tr>\n\n";

if ($moderator) {

<td valign="top" align="right"><p><b>...or, enter here:</b><br>
<span class='fineprint'>specify character posting here if not found in above pulldown.</span></p></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" name="STORYTELLER" size="80" value="<?php
if  ($id) { echo $storyteller; } ?>"></td>

} // end if moderator


<td valign="top" align="right"><p><b>THREAD:</b></p></td>
<td valign="top"><select name="THREAD" onChange="postWarning();">
<option value="">-- New Thread --</option>

$currDate = "";

echo "<!-- 407 - Thread: $thread -->\n\n";

$sql = "SELECT id,thread,subject,DATE_FORMAT(MAX(dateadded), \"%c/%e/%y\") as dateformat, MAX(dateadded) as dateaddedm, MAX(approved) as locked from board GROUP BY thread HAVING locked <> \"locked\" ORDER BY dateaddedm DESC LIMIT 50";
$threadResult = mysql_query($sql);
$threadArray = array();

echo "\n\n<!-- THREAD: $THREAD -->\n";
echo "\n\n<!-- thread: $thread -->\n";

echo "\n\n<!-- FIND THREADS: $sql -->\n\n";

$alreadyDone = "";
WHILE ($threadArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($threadResult)) {
if ($threadArray["dateformat"] != $currDate) {
$currDate = $threadArray["dateformat"];
if ($currDate) { echo "</optgroup>\n"; }
echo "<optgroup label='$currDate'>";
} // end if not the same date

echo "<option value=\"" . $threadArray["thread"] . "\"";
if ($threadArray["thread"] == $thread) { echo " selected"; $alreadyDone = "true"; }
echo ">";
$newText = shortenText(getThreadName($threadArray["thread"]),32);
if ($newText != getThreadName($threadArray["thread"])) { $newText = $newText . "&#8230;"; }
echo "$newText</option>\n";
} // end WHILE

if (mysql_errno()) { echo mysql_errno().": (THREAD) error: " . mysql_error(); }

if ($thread && !$alreadyDone ) {

$sql = "SELECT id,thread,subject,DATE_FORMAT(MAX(dateadded), \"%c/%e/%y\") as dateformat, MAX(dateadded) as dateaddedm from board WHERE thread=$thread GROUP BY thread";

$threadResult = mysql_query($sql);
WHILE ($threadArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($threadResult)) {
$currDate = $threadArray["dateformat"];
echo "<optgroup label='$currDate'>";
echo "<option value='$thread' SELECTED>";
$newText = shortenText(getThreadName($thread),32);
if ($newText != getThreadName($thread)) { $newText = $newText . "&#8230;"; }
echo $newText . "</option>\n";
} // end WHILE
} // end if thread

		if ($moderator) { echo "<br><p>Manual thread entry: <input name='THREAD2' value='$thread'></p>"; }


	<td valign="top" align="right"><p><b>RATING:</b></p></td>
		<SELECT name="RATING">
		FOREACH ($boardRating as $thisLevel) {
		echo "<option value='$i'";
		if ($record["rating"] == $i) { echo " selected"; }
		echo ">$thisLevel</option>\n";
		} // end FOREACH


	<td valign="top" align="right"><p><b>SUBJECT:</b></p></td>
	<td valign="top"><input type="text" name="SUBJECT" size="80" value="<?php echo $subject; ?>"></td>


	<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>OOC?</b></p></td>
	<td><p><input type="checkbox" value="true" id="OOCBOX" name="OOCBOX" onClick="makeOOC()"><label for="OOCBOX" name="OOCBoxlabel"> OOC-only post. Some fields will be disabled.</label></p></td>


	<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>FEATURING:</b><br>
	<span class='fineprint'>Codenames of characters in this post.</span></p></td>
	<td valign="top"><input type="text" name="FEATURING" size="80" value="<?php echo $featuring; ?>"></td>
<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>TIME OF DAY:</b></p></td>
<td valign="top"><select name="TIMEOFDAY">

echo "<!-- Time of Day: '$timeofday' -->\n";
FOREACH ($timeoptions as $thisone) {
echo "<option value='$thisone'";
if ($thisone == $timeofday || (!$timeofday && $thisone == $defaulttime)) { echo " selected"; }
echo ">$thisone</option>\n";
} // end FOREACH

<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>GAME DATE:</b><br>
<span class='fineprint'><i>YYYY-MM-DD</i></span></p></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" name="GAMEDATE" size="12" value="<?php
if ($gamedate) { echo $gamedate; } else { echo $defaultdate; } ?>"></td>

<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>LOCATION:</b></p></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" name="LOCATION" size="80" value="<?php echo $location; ?>"></td>

<tr><td colspan="2"><hr color="#050F1D" size="5"></td></tr>

<td valign="top" align="right"><p><b>Continued from...</b><br>
<span class='fineprint'>If this message continues from a message in another thread, enter its unique id number here. Check that it's the right one by clicking "Check".</p></td>
<td valign="top"><p><nobr>#<INPUT name="CONTINUEDFROM" size=25 value="<?php echo $continuedfrom; ?>"> <input type="submit" name="linkCheck" value="Check" onclick="javascript: if (window.document.postMessage.CONTINUEDFROM.value > 0) { openimage('/messages/display.php?hideHeaders=true&id=' + window.document.postMessage.CONTINUEDFROM.value,400,500,true); } return false;"></nobr></p></td>

<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>PREVIOUSILY:</b></p></td>
<td><textarea name=PREVIOUSLY rows=3 cols=80 wrap=virtual><?php

if (!$id && $thread) { echo $summary; } else { echo $previously; } ?></textarea></td>

<td align="right" valign="top">
<span class='fineprint'>Before posting, please read and spellcheck your post first. If you mention someone please add them to your tags.</span>
<td><textarea name=CONTENT rows=22 cols=80 wrap=virtual 
<?php echo $content;
<br><span class='fineprint'>Words remaining: 
<input type='text' readonly name='remLen' size='5' value='200'></span><br>
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset" id=reset1 name=reset1></td></tr>

<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>SUMMARY:</b></p></td>
<td><textarea name=SUMMARY rows=3 cols=80 wrap=virtual>
if ($id) { echo $summary; } 

<tr><td colspan="2"><hr color="#050F1D" size="5"></td></tr>

<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>OOC:</b></p></td>
<td><textarea name=OOC rows=6 cols=80 wrap=virtual style="color:000000"><?php echo stripslashes($ooc); ?></textarea></td>

<td align="right" valign="top"><p><b>TAGS:</b></p></td>
<td><input type="text" name="TAGS" size="82" value="<?php echo $tags; ?>"></td>

<tr><td colspan="2"><hr color="#050F1D" size="5"></td></tr>

<td align="right" valign="top"><a name='status'></a>

if ($moderator && $id) {
echo "<!-- APPROVED? $approved -->\n";
echo "<input type='radio' value='' id='action0' name='ACTION' onClick='setButtonText()'";
if ($approved == "") { echo " checked "; }
echo "><label for='action0' name='action0label'> Not Approved</label><br>\n";

echo "<input type='radio' name='ACTION' name='action1' value='approved'";
if (!$deletethread && $approved == "approved") { echo " checked "; }
echo "id='action1' onClick='setButtonText()'><label for='action1'> Approved for posting</label><br>\n";

echo "<input type='radio' value='locked' id='action2' name='ACTION' onClick='setButtonText()'";
if ($locked && !$deletethread) { echo " checked"; }
echo "><label for='action2'> Lock Thread</label><br>\n";

echo "<input type='radio' value='delete' id='action3' name='ACTION' onClick='setButtonText()'><label for='action3'> REMOVE MESSAGE</label><br>\n";

echo "<input type='radio' value='deletethread' id='action4' name='ACTION' onClick='setButtonText()'";
if ($deletethread) { echo " checked"; }
echo "><label for='action4'> <font color='red'><b>REMOVE THREAD</b></font></label><br>\n";
echo "</p>\n<p>";

} else if ($moderator) {

echo "<input type='checkbox' name='ACTION' name='action1' value='approved' checked id='action1' onClick='setButtonText()'><label for='action1'> Approved for posting</label><br>\n";
echo "</p>\n<p>";

} else if (!$moderator) {

$tempy = readDatabase("SELECT moderated from login WHERE id=$login");
if (!$tempy["moderated"] && !$id) { $approved="approved"; }
echo "<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$approved'>";

} // end if moderator

echo "<input type=hidden name=id value=$id>\n"; 

$notifyTest["notification"] = "";
$notifyCheck = "";

if ($id) {
$notifySQL = "SELECT notification from board WHERE (userid=$login AND thread=$thread) OR id=$id ORDER BY dateadded DESC LIMIT 1";
echo "<!-- Notify with ID: $notifySQL -->\n";
$notifyTest = readDatabase($notifySQL);
} else if ($thread) {
$notifySQL = "SELECT notification from board WHERE (userid=$login AND thread=$thread) ORDER BY dateadded DESC LIMIT 1";
echo "<!-- Notify with thread: $notifySQL -->\n";
$notifyTest = readDatabase($notifySQL);
} // end if id

if ($notifyTest["notification"]) { $notifyCheck = " checked"; }

echo "<!-- NOTIFY SET? " . $notifyTest["notification"] . " -->\n";
?><input type="checkbox" name="NOTIFICATION" value="true"<?php echo $notifyCheck; ?> id="notifycheck"><label for="notifycheck"> Notify me when this thread is updated</label><?php

<td align="right"><p><span id="threadCheck" class="fineprint">Click to post.</span></td>
<td><p><input type=submit name=submit value="<?php echo $buttonText; ?>" style="background-color:#022755;color:#FFFFFF;"></form></td>


if (($id && !$charid) || checkOOC($thread)) {
echo "<!-- ID: $id      THREAD: $thread -->\n";
echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"javascript\">\n";
if ((!$charid && !$storyteller) || checkOOC($thread)) { echo "makeOOC('force');\n"; } else { echo "postWarning();\n"; }
echo "</SCRIPT>\n\n";
} // end if thread

include("../footer.php"); ?>






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Dear god that's a lot of code... I would have to assume that the <form> elements are in your header / footer include files - although I don't have time to read 800 lines of code looking for them... You could also be using a framework with the helpers included for you - again, I don't know.


Hopefully my previous post will have given you the most basic example possible and you can go from there.


Good luck!

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