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[SOLVED] help with header()


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I honestly dont' really understand the header() funciton, all i know is that i've used it to redirect pages, and its worked some of the times. I've read that if there is any output before you execute the header(), that it wont' work. I am trying to redirect to another page after a use inputs some information in an html form. I store a session previously that contains the url. If you have any questions about my code, please just ask. I've been struggling with this for around a day, and i can't figure out whats wrong. Here is the code:




<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/standard.css">





<table class="lnk_bar" border="1" width="100%">


<td width="20%"><b><a href="/index.php">home</a></b></td>

<td width="20%"><b><a href="/calc.php">calculator</a></b></td>

<td width="20%"><b><a href="/cobolt.mp3">song</a></b></td>

<td width="20%"><b><a href="/forums/forum_menu.php">forum</a></b></td>

<td width="20%"><b><a href="/register.php">register</a></b></td>




<h4 class="forum_in">forum input</h4>

<form class="one" action="forum_process.php" method="post">                //here is the user input

<textarea rows="6" cols="40" name="forum">


<input type="submit" value="submit" />




include( '../SQL_PASS.inc' );              //mysql login information

include( '../user.inc' );                      //user validation script


if (isset($_POST['forum']) && strlen($_POST['forum'])>0)      //if there is text in the input, it will execute the code


$url = $_SESSION['return_url'];                              //a session i saved on the previous page, just contains the url

$msg = $_POST['forum'];


if (!$con)


die('Cannot connect: ' . mysql_error());



if (!$db_select)


die('Cannot select database: ' . mysql_error());



$username = $user->Username;           //just a pointer variable that contains the username

$insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_forum` (`User_info`, `User_msg`)

VALUES ('$username', '$msg')");


if ($insert)            //here is where it should redirect. It executes fine, and runs the query, but just stays on the same page :(


mysql_close($con);                  //first i close my sql connection

header("Location: $url");            //the header should redirect to $url




die('post failed: ' . mysql_error());






echo "field are not filled";







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More than likely do it like this:

if (isset($_POST['forum']) && strlen($_POST['forum'])>0)      //if there is text in the input, it will execute the code
   $url = $_SESSION['return_url'];                              //a session i saved on the previous page, just contains the url
   $msg = $_POST['forum'];
   if (!$con)
      die('Cannot connect: ' . mysql_error());
   if (!$db_select)
      die('Cannot select database: ' . mysql_error());

   $username = $user->Username;             //just a pointer variable that contains the username
   $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_forum` (`User_info`, `User_msg`)
   VALUES ('$username', '$msg')");

   if ($insert)            //here is where it should redirect. It executes fine, and runs the query, but just stays on the same page Sad
      mysql_close($con);                   //first i close my sql connection
      header("Location: $url");            //the header should redirect to $url
      die('post failed: ' . mysql_error());
   echo "field are not filled";
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/standard.css">


<table class="lnk_bar" border="1" width="100%">
<td width="20%"><a href="/index.php">home[/url]</td>
<td width="20%"><a href="/calc.php">calculator[/url]</td>
<td width="20%"><a href="/cobolt.mp3">song[/url]</td>
<td width="20%"><a href="/forums/forum_menu.php">forum[/url]</td>
<td width="20%"><a href="/register.php">register[/url]</td>

<h4 class="forum_in">forum input</h4>
<form class="one" action="forum_process.php" method="post">                //here is the user input
<textarea rows="6" cols="40" name="forum">
<input type="submit" value="submit" />

include( '../SQL_PASS.inc' );              //mysql login information
include( '../user.inc' );                      //user validation script



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use this instead

 echo '<meta content="0; URL=../login.php" http-equiv="Refresh" />';



so it would be

 if ($insert)            //here is where it should redirect. It executes fine, and runs the query, but just stays on the same page Sad
     mysql_close($con);                   //first i close my sql connection
     echo '<meta content="0; URL=../$url" http-equiv="Refresh" />';            //the header should redirect to $url


You can change the 0 to a higher number to allow more time for redirect.


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if (isset($_POST['forum']) && strlen($_POST['forum'])>0)      //if there is text in the input, it will execute the code


  $url = $_SESSION['return_url'];                              //a session i saved on the previous page, just contains the url

  $msg = $_POST['forum'];


  if (!$con)


      die('Cannot connect: ' . mysql_error());



  if (!$db_select)


      die('Cannot select database: ' . mysql_error());



  $username = $user->Username;            //just a pointer variable that contains the username

  $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_forum` (`User_info`, `User_msg`)

  VALUES ('$username', '$msg')");


  if ($insert)            //here is where it should redirect. It executes fine, and runs the query, but just stays on the same page Sad


      mysql_close($con);                  //first i close my sql connection

      echo '<meta content="0; URL=../"'.$url.'".php" http-equiv="Refresh" />';            //the header should redirect to $url




      die('post failed: ' . mysql_error());






  echo "field are not filled";





<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/standard.css">





<table class="lnk_bar" border="1" width="100%">


<td width="20%"><a href="/index.php">home[/url]</td>

<td width="20%"><a href="/calc.php">calculator[/url]</td>

<td width="20%"><a href="/cobolt.mp3">song[/url]</td>

<td width="20%"><a href="/forums/forum_menu.php">forum[/url]</td>

<td width="20%"><a href="/register.php">register[/url]</td>




<h4 class="forum_in">forum input</h4>

<form class="one" action="forum_process.php" method="post">                //here is the user input

<textarea rows="6" cols="40" name="forum">


<input type="submit" value="submit" />




include( '../SQL_PASS.inc' );              //mysql login information

include( '../user.inc' );                      //user validation script






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ya, i figured it out after a while. I used the meta thing, and it redirects me, but it redirects me to the main page. Since i set the session, im guessing this is one of my other errors. This is the $url variable: $url = $_SESSION['return_url'];


$_SESSION['return_url'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];                                                                                                                                                                                       

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could you explain the meta thing you wrote. echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3;url=../"'.$url.'" />';


I understand what http-equiv does, i understand what the content does, but why did you move up one directory before inserting the url? also, don't you have to end the quote that started with content?

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