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ExpireTable Data


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Is there a way to expire table data based on a date.


An example would be:


I upload information into "field 1"  on 1-1-2008


and did not update information in "field 2" by 1-3-2008


then the information in field one would be deleted on 1-3-2008.


Does this make any sense?



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It's very easy.


$ crontab -l  #Checks current crons for your user
$ crontab -e #Opens your text editor to edit the crontab.  Format discussed below.  The editor it opens can be set by exporting EDITOR, but I think it defaults to nano


The format for a crontab line is:

m h dom mon dow command


* can be used to represent "every".  So to run an hourly php script, it would be:

0 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f test.php


You could probably just use php as the command, but you'll want to make sure it's in your path.  Run:

$ which php
$ echo $PATH

And verify that the folder that PHP is in is inside your PATH, but /usr/bin should always be unless you removed it yourself.


Phew, that was annoying to type.

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I don't know about Florida, but in UK, the word retard is frowned upon as an antiquated insult. In reality, in physics it means to slow down, apply a brake, and the statement 'php slow down' doesn't make sense.


Also you changed my expression of the word to you yourself, which as Dirk Benedict (Face from A-Team) has just described as being 'passive aggressive', lol.

Don't ya love grammar!



* Just seen your post *


So what does the 'ph' stand for?


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