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[SOLVED] Changing User and Group


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I would spend some time to introduce myself and all that but I'm kind of sweating in anticipation over a keyboard right now. If you all are interested to know more about me than just ask. I'll also edit the profile here soon.



I am running Hardy Heron, have downloaded apache 2.0.63, have configured, compiled and installed as root.

I then created a user and a group to run apache since I don't want to run it as root.

I edited /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf so that:

User webman

Group webgroup

This saved fine and even updated /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (which I don't understand why there about 5 conf files spread out over directories /etc and /usr)

I then chown -R /usr/local/apache2 for the group and user that I specified in httpd.conf

I can run apache as root fine but when I try to run it as webman I get this:

(13) Permission denied: make_sock could not bind to address [::]:80

no listening sockets available, shutting down

Unable to open logs

I have spent days researching on google, forums, and apache to figure out WHY this is happening.

Does anybody have any input?

I've never installed apache from source so I'm wondering if there is a vital step I did not know about.

Also, what is this user www-data I keep running into?

I can't find any explanations to who www-data is or what they are for.

Thanks for reading!!!



I was suggested to install from repositories however "make uninstall" does not have an instruction so I can't seem to uninstall before I install another apache!


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make clean  is the standard for programs to uninstall, usually.  And for the repos, it's just:


sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql php5-gd libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-client mysql-server


Basically.  To get all the extra stuff.  There are packages named php5-(some_ext_name) that give you extensions like ASpell and other things.  Do:


apt-cache search php


To see what I mean.  Install whatever you want.

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