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hy there i was wondering how to create a php parser for those codes,it seem that whatever i tryed it doesnt work ...


(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
	(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

(npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
	(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))


i need to create a query for every NPC


like :

INSERT INTO NPC (`name`, `index`, `country` ..... etc etc) VALUES (1,1,252......etc etc);


something like that for every npc

Note: some npc can have quest null like this "(quest ))" and it will end just in 2 ")" not in 3.


a basic ideea would be awesome


thank you very much

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as you can see here i have 2 NPC that must be parsed in 2 querys

(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

(npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))


the thing is that the text is not in just 1 line each

after it start with "(npc " it is +3 lines long (all npc are like this) and + 1 empty line

the insert should be :

name,index..... VALUES 1,1

name,index..... VALUES 2,2

the row name should be take from the "(" start and value after the row name

at quest :

(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

should be

insert into npc (index,name,,,,quest) values (1,1,,, "(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)")


hope you did understand ;)


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How about this for starters?

$string = "(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))";

echo $string."<br/><br/>";

$string = substr($string,5,-2);
$string = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"),"%lb%",$string);

echo $string."<br/><br/>";

$stringExploded = explode("%lb%",$string);


$stringExploded["quest"] = substr($stringExploded[3],7);

foreach  ($stringExploded as $key => $line) {
$line = substr($line,1,-1);
$stringExploded[$key] = explode(") (",$line);


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$test = '(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
	(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

(npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
	(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))';

$test = preg_split('/\n\n/',$test);
foreach ($test as $line){
$line = trim($line);
// find table name
$start = 0;
for ($i = 0; $line[$i] !== ' '; $i++);
$table = substr($line,1, $i - 1);
// remove table name and last )
$lin = substr($line, $i + 1, strlen($line) - $i - 1);
$count = 0;
$key = array();
$value =array();
$part = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($lin); $i++){
	$chr = $lin[$i];
	if ($chr == '(') $count++;
	if ($chr == ')') $count--;
	if ($count > 0) {
		$part .= $chr;
	} elseif ($part) {
		$part = explode(' ', trim($part, '('), 2);
		$key[]= $part[0];
		$value[]= $part[1];
		$part = '';
$key = '(`'.implode('`,`', $key).'`)';
$value = "('".implode("','",$value). "')";
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '. $table.' '. $key. ' VALUES '. $value;
echo $sql, "\n";//for testing
// do query

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thank you sasa that did the work ;)

but it do make everything just in 1 query.. i need to make for every NPC a new query


INSERT INTO npc (`name`,`index`,`country`,`race`,`level`,`ai`,`range`,`sight`,`exp`,`itemgroup`,`str`,`hth`,`int`,`wis`,`dex`,`hp`,`mp`,`aspeed`,`hit`,`dodge`,`attack`,`magic`,`defense`,`absorb`,`mspeed`,`quest`,`name`,`index`,`country`,`race`,`level`,`ai`,`range`,`sight`,`exp`,`itemgroup`,`str`,`hth`,`int`,`wis`,`dex`,`hp`,`mp`,`aspeed`,`hit`,`dodge`,`attack`,`magic`,`defense`,`absorb`,`mspeed`,`resist`,`quest`) VALUES ('1','1','252','0','1','1','20','160 240','2','1 2','21','1','10','10','2','1','70','2400','0','0','0 7 7','0 0','0 0','0','1600 800','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)','2','2','252','0','3','1','16','160 240','4','2 2','27','2','10','10','4','1','70','2400','0','0','0 8 8','0 0','1 1','0','1600 800','0 0 1 1 1','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)') 


that is what it return


thanks again

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the code is returned as a 4 line output





 VALUES ('1','1','252','0','1','1','20','160 240','2','1 2','21','1','10','10','2','1','70','2400','0','0','0 7 7','0 0','0 0','0','1600 800','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933


 1)','2','2','252','0','3','1','16','160 240','4','2 2','27','2','10','10','4','1','70','2400','0','0','0 8 8','0 0','1 1','0','1600 800','0 0 1 1 1','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)') 


//edited the post

exactly how you see it return

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Mchl if you look carefull it continue from the third line ;)


Sasa,if i replace to your code the page is going to a continue loop,without nothing printing,just loading...


it was working till the maximum execution time reach..

now it return a query for every line =/

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'1','1','252','0','1','1','20','160 240','2','1 2','21','1','10','10','2','1','70','2400','0','0','0 7 7','0 0','0 0','0','1600 800','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)',
'2','2','252','0','3','1','16','160 240','4','2 2','27','2','10','10','4','1','70','2400','0','0','0 8 8','0 0','1 1','0','1600 800','0 0 1 1 1','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)'


That's a quote from previous post. I believe these are two records, and each should be enclosed in ().

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yes this is correct,sorry for misunderstooding you

this thing is harder than i expected  :(




here is what it return

INSERT INTO npc (`name`,`index`,`country`,`race`,`level`,`ai`,`range`,`sight`,`exp`,`itemgroup`) VALUES ('1','1','252','0','1','1','20','160 240','2','1 2') INSERT INTO str (``) VALUES ('') INSERT INTO attack (``) VALUES ('') INSERT INTO quest (`2`,`3`,`54`,`8001`) VALUES ('1 901 1','1 902 1','1 1025 1','1 933 1')
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in LOCATION

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can you post exactly string for input

i try code for input

(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
	(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

(npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
	(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

end it output is

INSERT INTO npc (`name`,`index`,`country`,`race`,`level`,`ai`,`range`,`sight`,`exp`,`itemgroup`,`str`,`hth`,`int`,`wis`,`dex`,`hp`,`mp`,`aspeed`,`hit`,`dodge`,`attack`,`magic`,`defense`,`absorb`,`mspeed`,`quest`) VALUES ('1','1','252','0','1','1','20','160 240','2','1 2','21','1','10','10','2','1','70','2400','0','0','0 7 7','0 0','0 0','0','1600 800','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)')
INSERT INTO npc (`name`,`index`,`country`,`race`,`level`,`ai`,`range`,`sight`,`exp`,`itemgroup`,`str`,`hth`,`int`,`wis`,`dex`,`hp`,`mp`,`aspeed`,`hit`,`dodge`,`attack`,`magic`,`defense`,`absorb`,`mspeed`,`resist`,`quest`) VALUES ('2','2','252','0','3','1','16','160 240','4','2 2','27','2','10','10','4','1','70','2400','0','0','0 8 8','0 0','1 1','0','1600 800','0 0 1 1 1','(2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)')

time is 0.037781 s

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sorry for double post,but i could not edit the last one

here is the current code


$test = '(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
	(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

(npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
	(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))';

$test = preg_split('/(\n|\r|\n\r){2,2}/',$test);
foreach ($test as $line){
$line = trim($line);
// find table name
$start = 0;
for ($i = 0; $line[$i] !== ' '; $i++);
$table = substr($line,1, $i - 1);
// remove table name and last )
$lin = substr($line, $i + 1, strlen($line) - $i - 1);
$count = 0;
$key = array();
$value =array();
$part = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($lin); $i++){
	$chr = $lin[$i];
	if ($chr == '(') $count++;
	if ($chr == ')') $count--;
	if ($count > 0) {
		$part .= $chr;
	} elseif ($part) {
		$part = explode(' ', trim($part, '('), 2);
		$key[]= $part[0];
		$value[]= $part[1];
		$part = '';
$key = '(`'.implode('`,`', $key).'`)';
$value = "('".implode("','",$value). "')";
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '. $table.' '. $key. ' VALUES '. $value;
echo $sql, "\n";//for testing
// do query


it do enter into maximum execution time and return a query for every line.

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it's somethin wrong with 1st split

can you try just first part of code

$test = '(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
	(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

(npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
	(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))';

$test = preg_split('/(\n|\r|\n\r){2,2}/',$test);

and post output

is it

    [0] => (npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
	(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))
    [1] => (npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
	(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

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here it is the problem ;)


Array ( [0] => (npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2) [1] => (str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0) [2] => (attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) [3] => (quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1))) [4] => [5] => (npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2) [6] => (str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0) [7] => (attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1) [8] => (quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1))) ) 


here it to put every new line to array

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$test = '(npc (name 1) (index 1) (country 252) (race 0) (level 1) (ai 1) (range 20) (sight 160 240) (exp 2) (itemgroup 1 2)
	(str 21) (hth 1) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 2) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 7 7) (magic 0 0) (defense 0 0) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (54 1 1025 1) (8001 1 933 1)))

(npc (name 2) (index 2) (country 252) (race 0) (level 3) (ai 1) (range 16) (sight 160 240) (exp 4) (itemgroup 2 2)
	(str 27) (hth 2) (int 10) (wis 10) (dex 4) (hp 1) (mp 70) (aspeed 2400) (hit 0) (dodge 0)
	(attack 0 8  (magic 0 0) (defense 1 1) (absorb 0) (mspeed 1600 800) (resist 0 0 1 1 1)
	(quest (2 1 901 1) (3 1 902 1) (55 1 1026 1) (8001 1 933 1)))';

$test = preg_split('/(\n|\r|\n\r){2,2}/',$test);
$test = array_chunk($test,5);
foreach ($test as $k => $v) $test[$k] = implode($v);

is it OK now

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