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For each loops and ID numbers


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Ok well I have a script that is going to generate a table with images and checkboxes in each cell.

Got everything to generate properly and such.


But I need a way to

1. Check if one of these boxes are checked

2. If checked I need to get the ID out of them.


Here's a bit of my code.


//Here search
$pets = "SELECT Pet_ID FROM pets WHERE user_id = $userid";
$resultpets = mysql_query($pets) or die ("Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error());

//do while loop
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($resultpets)) {        

//This generates the cell with image and checkbox
echo "<tr><td><input type=checkbox name=".$row[0]."><img src=http://whimpsters.net/pets.php/".$row[0]."></td>";

//here is where my problem is.. I don't know how to store the pet id and isset into one array.
$tradeID[$row[0]] = isset($_POST["$row[0]"]);


More on that.


//this is basically all I want to be able to do
foreach( $tradeID as $key => $value){
//need to grab the Pet_ID somehow and check if it is checked 


Problem is that I get "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" returned


I don't know how confusing that was. But let me know if you have any ideas


Thank you for reading.



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echo "<tr><td><input type=checkbox name=".$row[0]."><img src=http://whimpsters.net/pets.php/".$row[0]."></td>";


change to...


echo '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="'petID.$row[0].']"><img src="http://whimpsters.net/pets.php/'.$row[0].'"></td>';


the in your processing script you can check against $_POST['petID'] which will be an array of all the IDs you have checked.


use print_r($_POST['petID']) to see what's in the array...

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well can I just set the value of the each checkbox generated to row[0] or the pet ID number?


Then extract that with a for each loop?


Or how can I just check them all and pull out the ID's that are checked?


That's what I'm really trying to do here.

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apologies - yes my original post should have been "petID['.row[0].']"  you can set what ever value you like - all you need to do is check whick keys (if you use array_keys($_POST['petID']) - you'll get them!) have been passed...


radio buttons and check boxes are slightly different in that they are only set when they have been checked - unlik such things as text inputs which are still set but have an empty value if no text were entered...

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