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Uploading script. Upload works, but insert into table doesn't

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Hey, i'm fairly new to PHP ( i have experience with pretty simple databasing stuff) but i recently got my own web server, and on this server I created an upload script. What it does is pretty simple, uploads whatever file into a directory named after the user (ie my directory would be uploads/mikesta707) and this works like a charm


however, I also have the script insert some information about the upload into the table (the file size, file type, uploader, etc.) and when i first ran this script, it worked like a charm. Well, after making a few changes (those changes simply being adding a few more variables to insert into the table) the insert stopped working! I really have no clue why. The page isn't giving me any error messages, and its even going so far as to say it is inserting the stuff into the table.


well heres my code:

if (!isset($_SESSION['Username']))
echo "You can not upload files without logging in, thank you. if you wish to login, go to the <a href='index.php'>main</a> page.";

$uname = strtolower($_SESSION['Username']);
if (!file_exists('Uploads/' . $uname)) {
mkdir('Uploads/'. $uname);

#These are just the variables that i need for the script
$target_path = "Uploads/". $uname . "/";
$file_size = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$file_type = $_FILES['file']['type'];
$file_aff = $_POST['aff'];
$file_type1 = $_POST['type1'];
$file_name = $_POST['filename'];
$desc = $_POST['desc'];

$target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['file']['name']); 

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) 
$insert2 = "INSERT INTO upload SET uploader='$uname', name='$file_name', type='$file_type1', ftype='$file_type', size='$file_size', 	aff='$file_aff', path='$target_path', desc='$desc'";
if ($insert2) 
	echo "Table information entered<br>";
	//$err = mysql_error();
	//print $err;
#originally this part went if (!insert, and showed the error, but i commented that out to see if it was just not doing this step and no #saying anything

    echo "The file ".  basename( $_FILES['file']['name']). 
    " has been uploaded<br>";
echo "The file has been saved as " . $file_name . "<br> uploaded by " . $uname . "<br>";
if (isset($file_aff)){
echo "The creater of this is " . $file_aff . "<br> thank you for submitting this";


    echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
echo $_FILES['file']['error'];




What is really confusing me is that im not even getting any errors. When i go to my phpmyadmin page, and see if there are any entries on the table, it just comes out empty. I am seriously lost. Can anyone help?

See, i've had the mysql_error uncommented for a while, I just recently commented it out. The thing thats so confusing is that I am getting no errors. Like absolutely fine. I know its not a problem with the upload itself (if there was it wouldn't run the rest of the script, and it wouldnt go to the table) because the stuff appears at the correct place on the server


Its really strange, I was looking for what the error was, and it just doesn't come up with one. Hell, i have run what it currently is now, and the mysql_query is returning true because it says that echo statement i have in the if statement.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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