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foreach ARRAY build


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I am trying to echo TESTING as many time as the from element specifies.


I know it is all wrong but I have always had a problem wrapping my brains around the array.  I am getting close though.



This is the general layout.




if ($s!=''){

print_r($state_array);  // Array ( [0] => 1 )  <-- This of course yields the number of the option


<select name='selectbox' class='select' onchange=\"document.location=this.value\">
<option value=''>Pick A Number</option>
<option value='?page=$page&s=1'>One</option>
<option value='?page=$page&s=2'>Two</option>
<option value='?page=$page&s=3'>Three</option>
<option value='?page=$page&s=4'>Four</option>


IF($s!='') {


foreach($selectbox as $val){

echo $TESTING."<br>";




So if I pick 2


I would like to see





Any help this evening?

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Ok....first of all....just a pet peeve of mine but if you're going to check if the $s variable is empty or not anyway...why not just save yourself the trouble of creating a new variable and just check $_GET first...ok my rant is over there.


There's a few things missing in your code snippet or just code in general I guess that's vital to this all, but I'd rather just tell you how do to this

for($i=0;$i   echo "Testing


that's pretty much it

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if ($s!=''){


You're saying....hey, give me that variable.($_GET['s'])..I don't care what's in it or if even exists....just give me it

and then you turn around and say on the VERY next line.....

"wait...uh well maybe I changed my mind....is that variable even real?" maybe I should have used the isset function first to save myself some trouble.....


I guess I'm just ranting about the theory of creating TOO many variables before a person can even keep up with the ones they have already.

if there's something wrong with $_GET['s'] then direct the attention to it....don't replicate it


it's all in good coding practice

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