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I was just wondering if it had any effects on the performance of a script if you check postdata before storing it into a variable.






if ( empty($_POST['script']) ){
	$err = 'Please enter the scriptcheck in the corresponding input box.';

$script = md5(intval($_POST['script']));

Be slower than

$script = $_POST['script'];

if ( empty($script) ){
	$err = 'Please enter the scriptcheck in the corresponding input box.';

$script = md5(intval($script));


Thanks in advance for answers.

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Not really, the difference will be very slight. However before using user defined variables (_GET, _POST, _COOKIE etc) you should check to see if they exist first, eg


   $var = $_POST['var'];

   // continue


Doing the following is not the same

   $var = $_POST['var'];

   // continue

// nor is

$var = $_POST['var'];
   // continue

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Basically what I mean is is it more efficient to store the value of the postdata in a variable before checking the input rather than making numerous calls to the $_POST superglobal. I know the difference in performance is barely noticable but every little helps.

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If I may:


   $var = $_POST['var'];

   // continue

// nor is

$var = $_POST['var'];
   // continue


Is indeed not a good method of checking whether a variable exists or not because:


Method 1 only checks if a variable is set to TRUE or FALSE. If the var is not set at all, this would produce the "Undefined variable on line yada yada"  message.


Method 2 would take the contents of $_POST['variable'] and store them in $var. Again, if the var is not set at all, this would produce the same aforementioned error.


if (isset($_POST['variable'])) {
 //do thingy
else {

That's the only way to fly...

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Basically what I mean is is it more efficient to store the value of the postdata in a variable before checking the input rather than making numerous calls to the $_POST superglobal. I know the difference in performance is barely noticable but every little helps.


Andy, this is basically up to you. If you need to do some data cleansing ( before querying sql for example ) you best put it in a variable.


Also, some coders like to assign the value's to variables for overall tidiness.

For example, I always use three letters to identify the type of variable:


if (isset($_POST['variable'])) {
 $strVariable = $_POST['variable'];
else {
 echo "The variable wasn't set!";

In the example I named the var "$strVariable" where str stands for "string".

Other examples:

arr stands for array

int stands for integer


And so on...


As for performance...I think it's barely noticeable, if at all...

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EDIT: Damn my ISP!


The problem with people using isset() is that don't understand how it works, Most think it works the same as empty() which is not true. Both do two completely different actions.


isset -  checks to see whether a variable is actually defined. It does not check to see if the variable has a value.

empty - on the other hand does the opposite. As it assumes the variable does in fact exist and checks that the variable doesn't have a value.


So lets go in to the scenarios I posted above. The following is the correct way:

   $var = $_POST['var'];

   // continue

Here we use isset, which tells PHP does the variable $_POST['var'] actually exist? If it does assign the variable $var the value of $_POST['var']; PHP now knows what to do here. No issues there.


Where as if($_POST['var']) or if(empty($_POST['var'])) tells PHP does $_POST['var'] have some form of value. If it does assign $var the value of $_POST['var']; There is one important step missing here, which is to see if the variable exists first.


Think of the above in a real-life situation. You live on your own and you're going out. Before going out you'll check you've got your house key on you so you can lock the door when you leave. You're not going to walk straight out the door and try to look the door with no key!

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Because that will not give me rason to why the performance is better/worse, and as I have already said, I like to know the reasons to why I am doing things, rather than just knowing I should do them.


My maths teacher would hate you. :P



Now playing: Hadouken! - That Boy That Girl

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Ty Mike.


I have another question lol


if ( !isset($_POST['login']) ){
	$err = 'Please enter your desired login name.';

if ( !ctype_alnum($_POST['login']) ){
	$err = 'Login name can only contain alphanumeric characters.';

$login = $_POST['login'];


Would it be un-neccessary to use mysql_real_escape_string() on the $_POST['login'] now that I know it only contains A-Za-z0-9? I assume it would be, but my assumptions aren't always best trusted lol


Thanks again for the answer Mike, I am going to put this into practice as my VB.NET tutor told us to do that at college but I was already set in my ways with PHP and never thaught to apply it lol


lol LemonInflux, so do mine :P

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Well Andy, you can use ctype_alnum, but the downside of that is, that it doesn't accept characters like an underscore, which is pretty common in usernames...


I always do:

if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
 $strUName = mysql_escape_string($_POST['username']);
else {
 echo "You really should do your best to supply a username!";

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What's interesting, is that empty($var) evaluates to true even if isset($var) is false. That's why empty() shouldn't be used here.

Because they both do two completely different things.



The problem with people using isset() is that don't understand how it works, Most think it works the same as empty() which is not true. Both do two completely different actions.


isset -  checks to see whether a variable is actually defined. It does not check to see if the variable has a value.

empty - on the other hand does the opposite. As it assumes the variable does in fact exist and checks that the variable doesn't have a value.

My post got delayed as the page just kept loading and loading. I get this sometimes with my ISP.

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I use login name, display name, password, so that all the users login data can be encrypted using md5(), And I figured if I allow users to use any character in their login name I will get retards forgetting their details and complaining that they cant remember it. And obviously I cant use a resend login details with encrypted data.

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I use login name, display name, password, so that all the users login data can be encrypted using md5(), And I figured if I allow users to use any character in their login name I will get retards forgetting their details and complaining that they cant remember it. And obviously I cant use a resend login details with encrypted data.

Why store the username encrypted? I only encrypt the password...

And resending the password is impossible, but resetting not...


You could use the random function to generate a password, mail it to the user, then encrypt it using MD5() or SHA1() and then set that in the database...

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For your convenience, I included a sample code I actually use...


function PasswordNew() {

$password = makeRandomCode();
$md5password = md5($password);

$reset = mysql_query ("UPDATE users SET password= '$md5password' WHERE username= '{$_POST['username']}' AND emailaddress= '{$_POST['emailaddress']}'") or die(mysql_error());			
$subject = "Password reset for www.domain.nl";
$message = "yada yada yada";

       $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers .= "To: {$_POST['username']}<{$_POST['emailaddress']}>\r\n";
$headers .= "From: Domain.nl <no_reply@domain.nl>\r\n";

mail( ($_POST['emailaddress']), $subject, $message, $headers);

//then the function to make the random code...:

function makeRandomCode() {
 			$salt = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
 			$i = 0;
		$pass = "";
			while ($i < 6) {
			$num = rand() % 50;
   		$tmp = substr($salt, $num, 1);
   		$pass = $pass . $tmp;
 		return $pass;


The randomcode function is very old and I should review the code because I can do it far simpler I think but what the hell....If it ain't broken ;)


That should give you a "rough" idea of where to go ;)

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Ty Mike.


I have another question lol


if ( !isset($_POST['login']) ){
	$err = 'Please enter your desired login name.';

if ( !ctype_alnum($_POST['login']) ){
	$err = 'Login name can only contain alphanumeric characters.';

$login = $_POST['login'];


Would it be un-neccessary to use mysql_real_escape_string() on the $_POST['login'] now that I know it only contains A-Za-z0-9? I assume it would be, but my assumptions aren't always best trusted lol



Any comments on that one?


Thanks again Mike, I already have basically the same function lol Mine doesnt like hotmail tho so I think that will be usefull :P


Also, I always wondered what the use of:





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Well Andy, you can use ctype_alnum, but the downside of that is, that it doesn't accept characters like an underscore, which is pretty common in usernames...


I always do:

if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
 $strUName = mysql_escape_string($_POST['username']);
else {
 echo "You really should do your best to supply a username!";


My bad...

Since you already know that the username contains only letters or numbers it *should* be unnecessary to escape it...but it wouldn't hurt, would it? ;)

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