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Fopen not giving errors


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Ok, so I'm making a script to detect whether comics exist on certain days from Ctrl-Alt-Del (ctrlaltdel-online.com) using Fopen to respond when the file exists using an if, but responds even when it doesn't. Here's the code



$Year = 2002;
$Month = 12;
$Day = 24;

ini_set('display_errors', 0);

while($Year != 2003)

$Montha = $Month;
$Daya = $Day;

if(strlen($Month) == 1)
	$Montha = "0" . $Month;

if(strlen($Day) == 1)
	$Daya = "0" . $Day;

$File = "http://ctrlaltdel-online.com/comics/" . $Year . "" . $Montha . "" . $Daya . ".jpg";

if (!fopen($File, "r"))
	echo $File . "<br>";

$Day += 1;
if($Day == 32)
	$Month += 1;
	$Day = 1;

	if($Month == 13)
		$Year = $Year + 1;
		$Month = 1;

ini_set('display_errors', 1);


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You script is not getting an error because the website is returning the "page not found" page to your script. You have to find another way of determining that the comic is not there.


Here's one way:

$start  = strtotime('2002-12-24 ');
$end = strtotime('2003-01-01');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i += 86400) {

$File = "http://ctrlaltdel-online.com/comics/" . date('Ymd',$i) . ".jpg";
$tmp = array_map('trim',file($File));
if (strlen($tmp[0]) == 44)
	echo $File . "<br>";


BTW, I recoded your loop logic to make it much shorter.



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Thanks. But I don't understand what




does. What I saw, array_map applies an array to a function and out puts the results. But I still don't understand what it does. Just out of curiosities sake. Also


if (strlen($tmp[0]) == 44)


Wouldn't that be true if you got the 404 page, not the picture?

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The file() function returns the contents of a file into an array.


$tmp = array_map('trim',file($File));

is trimming any whitespace from each entry in the returned array. It's really not needed, but if you take it out, you have to add one to the length you're testing.


The first entry in the array contains either the JPEG signature of the picture or the doctype line of the 404 page

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

The signature line is 45 characters long (44 if you leave the trim in place).



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It uses $tmp as the array handle...


A "basic" usage of file() is  $myfile = file('myfilename.txt');


He's just, think of it as nesting functions so:


$tmp = array_map('trim', file('myfilename.txt');


works in this order. Get me an array in an internal handle for file('myfilename.txt'), then perform array_map() on that results and trim whitespace, and assign the result to the $tmp array...





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