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Get row number???

Vivid Lust

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Hi, I have this page:




What it does is gets the user info from the database and orders it in order of phishes and then displays.


It also has the rank which goes up everytime.


Is there any way in which I can have some script which gets the rank of a certain name????




$sql = "select * from users order by `s_phish` desc";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $link)
or die(mysql_error());
<table cellpadding="0" width="50%" cellspacing="0">
$rank = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result) AND $rank < 20) {
     $rank++;   // adds 1
     echo "<tr><td>";
     echo $rank;
     echo "</td><td>";
     echo "  <a href='profile.php?id=";
     echo $row['id'];
     echo "'>";
     echo $row['name'];
     echo "</a> ";
     echo "</td><td>";
     echo $row['s_phish']; // put HTML break to end line
     echo "</td></tr>";
     echo "<br />"; 


Thanks for any help in advanced.


Edit (Daniel0): Removed domain by request of user.

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I wrote this, just displays 0, any help appreciated


$sql = "select * from users order by `s_phish` desc";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $link)
or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$rid = $row['id']; //id of member
$rank = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result) AND $rid !== 5 ) {

echo $rank; 

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You're not explaining yourself clearly. I'm not understanding you, however the example code you posted is not recommended for use. Perhaps you mean

$sql = "select * from users WHERE id != 5 order by `s_phish` desc";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $link)
or die(mysql_error());

echo  mysql_num_rows($results) . ' results returned:<br />';

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo '<pre>'.print_r($row, true).'</pre>';


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I want to try and get the rank of a member.


Say I had this database:


id  score

1    10

2    34

3    3

3    0


My mysql query would get that data and order so its like this:


id  score

2    34

1      10

3      3

4        0


Now, I want to specify a certain ID and find its rank.


Say i wanted to find the rank of id 4, the program would return the value 4, if i wanted the rank of id 2, the code would return the value 1


This is what im trying to do, and I cant figure it out.


I hope this is clearer

And some kind person is willing to help!

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Well you've already ordered by phish .. descending...which is what you want


all you need to do is put these results into an array and you'll be able to pull them out by number....or rank if you will.



Just a modification of wildteens script

while ($row[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { //If you want to do something during the loop, do it}

Now the person who is ranked second will be here


and his score will be $row[1]['s_phish']

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Hi, doesn't seem to be working quite right,


Have a look here: http://onestamp.co.uk/projects/phishfriends/profile.php?id=2

Then click on the name to see what the actual score is


I think the problem is because the value is 0, and it ranks them all the same???


How can I correct this ;)

if 2 users have same score do they have same rank or not

if not who has beter rank

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I didnt understand what you are trying to say sasa, sorry.


Anyone willing to modify the code for me so it does what I said above??


$userid = 3;

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 as rank
           FROM users
           WHERE score > (SELECT score FROM users WHERE id = '$userid')";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
    echo "User $userid is position " . mysql_result($res, 0, 'rank');

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All this is doing, is adding one onto it, which isnt what I want, sorry.


Have a look here: http://onestamp.co.uk/projects/phishfriends/profile.php?id=2

Then click on the name to see what the actual score is. All of the people with the same score, have the same rank!


I think the problem is because the value is 0, and it ranks them all the same??? I dont want this, how can I fix this???




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